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Living Random

I’m Just Livin’

Life around here has been quite uneventful *knocks on wood*

A great deal of my time has been spent working on some personal projects and schlepping my kids to their activities. I’m low key stressed at the fact that school will be out in a little over a month. I can’t even fathom the fact that this school year is already over, and I need to get serious about planning our Summertime activities. Can’t even.

I’ll do a house update sometime this week. There is so much that needs to be done around here that I need to take the time to write it all down and create a plan of attack….kind of like they do on Young House Love. The kitchen is improperly painted, the baby drew on my newly painted cabinets with a pink Sharpie…you know those little things that will drive you batty if you let them. I’m going to create a to do list, post it here and require y’all to hold me accountable.

I’d been moaning and groaning about wanting a rocking chair to put on the front porch but was too cheap to buy one. Finally found one in my price range. Placed it on the porch and now it just looks empty. Headed to Hobby Lobby the other day to get materials to make a wreath. Must’ve walked circles around that store for nearly 2 hours and ended up leaving with a large S. That’s all, not even a candy bar. Please don’t ask me what I am going to do with this S, I imagine at some point it will become a monogram wreath. I’ll keep you posted.

Rocking chair


Apparently the front porch needs more than a rocking chair.

Outside of obsessing over what to do with a large S, and a Sharpie emblazoned cabinet I’m really feeling this whole gardening thing. Who knew? My babies are growing well and when I find time this week I am going to finally put them in their permanent homes. It’s going to be like container heaven. I’m taking the deck over instead of raised beds. I just want to make sure the area where I want to put them will get enough sun.

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

Plant roll call: Strawberries, scallions, watermelon, bell pepper, spinach, collard greens, tomatoes, green beans, kale, Swiss Chard, carrots, squash, lettuce, and mesulin mix.


So that’s all going on in this burb’ of the ATL.

What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Where are y’all going for Summer vacation I might steal your idea? Summer camp for the kids or days of playing outside and only coming in for restroom and water breaks? Do share friends!!!

I’m running another $100 Kohl’s Gift Card Giveaway. Enter >HERE<


Less Stress, and More Togetherness

Ever looked up to realize it has been months since you made a phone call to a good friend, or took the time out to get together with a girl friend? No?  Me either.

Life in all of its glorified “busy ness” can indirectly keep us from the things and people that are most important to us. We place importance on things and people that don’t really matter, while the things that do matter essentially have to “get in, where they fit in.”


This coming Spring and Summer seasons I am vowing to slow down a bit and nourish my soul by making it a point to spend time with the people I love that I don’t get to see that often. This weekend I kicked off that tradition by hosting a couple of the homies over at the house for an afternoon of girl talk, eats, drinks and selfies!!

Aladdin Mason Jar Collection

I kept the eats light and the drinks flowing. You weren’t there so you missed the Sangria I made. Don’t fret,  I shall share the recipe with you soon.

I promise.

Aladdin Mason Jar Collection

 These Aladdin jars turned the drink options into eye candy and kept everyone coming back for more. The middle drink was for the littles that had their own party outdoors

Aladdin Mason Jar Collection

 Aladdin Mason Jar Collection


In simple southern laid back style we enjoyed our drinks in these Aladdin mason jars, that are just a small part of their Mason Entertaining Collection  which is perfect for Spring and Summer impromptu or planned soirees. Did I mention they are plastic, so when someone has one “too many” no worries….just clean it up and keep the party going.

Aladdin Mason Jar Collection

Y’all know I loves a good time and many were had Saturday afternoon. So much so that I couldn’t be bothered with my big camera so iPhone photos were my live in the moment captures.




I’m ordering you to spend time outdoors, eating, drinking and being merry with your peeps this Spring and Summer.

Ordering I said.

Besides life is too short and margaritas and Sangria over a sunset, with an evening breeze and some jazz playing is living at it’s best. Don’t forget to set out your citronella candles!!

When was the last time you got together with someone you haven’t seen in awhile? Do share your summertime porch drinks with me. I need an arsenal.

I was provided compensation and product to facilitate this post. All opinions are mine. You already know!

Décor Giveaway Living Our Home

Mohawk Area Rug Giveaway


As you can probably tell I am on a roll trying to get this house transformed into a home. While I know it will take time the journey of a thousand miles started with one step…you feel me?

Mohawk Area Rug Giveaway

There is nothing more cozy than a warm and inviting home and I am trying to transform our house into just that. The folks over at Mohawk were so kind to send me an 8X10 area rug and allow me to giveaway an additional area rug. With the weather as cold as it is the rug couldn’t have come at a better time, not to mention it has curtailed my children from sliding across the living room.

Mohawk Rug

Prior to the rug getting here the space was cold and bare. We have two sofas, two chairs and an ottoman that were placed haphazardly.



Once I rolled the rug out I decided that the furniture needed a little rearranging. Not sure if the arrangement will stay this way but it works for now.

Mohawk Rug

Mohawk Rug

Amazing what a rug can do to warm up a space. I chose the Simpatico rug for its neutral colors. I needed something to work with the pillows and the patterned chair and this fit the bill. The rug is excellent quality and bound on the edges to prevent fraying.

Mohawk Rug

We don’t own  a vacuum cleaner, I’ll need one ASAP as it is recommended for the care of the rug.

Mohawk products are manufactured right here in the USA. To learn more about Mohawk’s history and their dedication to keeping their products manufactured right here in the USA check out their video Still Made in the USA.

You can find Mohawk scattered all throughout social media. If you need inspiration or information you can find Mohawk on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google +, Houzz, Pinterest, Home Talk and on their own  blog Mohawk Home Scapes.

Here’s the fun part.  Mohawk is giving one of my readers the opportunity to win a rug of their choice valued up to $150. Selected rug must be sized 5X8 and under. The giveway will run until Februay 10, 2014 and is open to U.S. Residents only. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Weekend WrapUp

What up?!!

How was Thanksgiving? I am proud to announce that we found somewhere to eat. We actually had dinner with my god-mother and god-brother. Seeing that I have little family it is always good to spend time with them. They remind me that I have people who care for me here in Atlanta since the rest of my immediate family is in DC and my dad is in Las Vegas. I mean my husband has family here but you know what I mean.

I digress.

Well part of the arrangement was that I come and do the majority of the prepping and cooking. I am slowly developing a love of cooking and I can do a little something but not that old school Thanksgiving cooking so I was happy to get some direction. My mama was the best cook EVER. Yet instead of learning I was out running the streets…true story. Now that I am older I need to know these things and I am thankful to have a stand in to teach me. I am excited to try out what I learned. We just may have Thanksgiving dinner on a random day in January…y’all are invited!!

God bro and I taking a cooking break. Yeah, I cut onions in sunglasses #toocoolforschool

I did manage to remember one of my mothers recipes for sweet potato pie and I made it. She would’ve been proud of me.

I passed on Black Friday festivities. I DID!! Wanna know why? Both of our cars were on E and I wasn’t in the mood to pump gas, at midnight, in the cold, in the name of shopping. Nawl. I passed.

The family and I did venture out on Saturday to do some shopping. Mr. doesn’t shop much but he needed some things so we all rode along. I went hoping to get some stuff and the kids just wanted an Auntie Annie’s pretzel…its the small things.

Ridin’ around and gettin’ it

Sunday, I hit up the thrift store and found a few things. Nothing too fantastic but I did score a brand new pair of wedge boots. I found some oxfords and some slacks, necessary basics so I would say my trip was good. I am going to get back to doing my videos. My webcam is awful, I just ordered a new camera that has video capability so you will start to see more videos in the new year.

How was your Thanksgiving? Any Black Friday action for you?