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Life Random


Where do I start. I feel like it has been forever since I’ve been here.

Did you miss me?

So much to catch up on. I’ve missed you!!

First things first. Happy belated Mother’s Day….and yes that includes those of you who only have furbabies.

I am happy to announce that I have finally completed my MBA. The road was long, so long that I had a job, my mom died, I quit said job, had a baby and a whole bunch of other nonsense transpired but I never stopped and four years after starting I finally finished. I finished, and that’s all that matters. Please let that be an encouragement to you to continue whatever you are working at. If you started…FINISH!!!! I’m so serious.

I got an iPhone!!! Last we spoke I was holding out for the new one until sweet baby girl completely destroyed my old one on the same day as my upgrade…Look at God!!!

Speaking of…Sweet baby girl turned 2. We didn’t have a party. Funds were low…enough said. She had some cupcakes and we sang, she didn’t know the difference.

My son’s last day of school is next Friday. It seems like just yesterday that I blogged about his first day and now he has completed his first year of elementary school. Now, what to do with the kids for the summer.


How was your weekend/Mother’s Day? What have you been up to? Give me a week to catch up and I’ll be by your blogs.

It feels good to be back.



This, That & The Third

Hi Friends,

Just getting around to posting for the week. My weekend was non stop and crazy. Nothing exceptionally exciting but jam packed. I photographed my good friend Niya. She is being featured in a magazine highlighting women entrepreneurs and she needed a photo for the magazine cover. I am thrilled that they liked the photo I took and decided to use it. I also did the photography for a cotillion all day Sunday. All day.

Divinitee is moving along. I hit a moment of discouragement last week and had to remind myself that all things take hard work. Cried some tears, devised a new plan and I’m back at it. I am glad to say that Fearless is pretty much sold out!!!! It is now reordered and will be back in stock by the end of the week for those who have contacted me. I also now have a blog banner for those who have inquired. If you’re still interested in letting me hold up a piece of your sidebar real estate let me know. I’m working to get affiliate links done so I can show my thanks…but give me a minute.

I’m in the process of applying to online schools with hopes of becoming an adjunct professor. I was a bit perturbed to find that I am no longer active in the school’s system and had to reapply to get a copy of my transcripts. Teaching online is something that I have wanted to do for awhile so I am fervently seeking out those opportunities. If you know of some…share the wealth!

I am in the throes of potty training and ……I need help. I don’t even remember what I did with my son. S.O.S. I need suggestions!

I’ve been thrifting, I am going to get a thrift haul video up this week…my greatest find the other week was a brand new pair of BCBG sandals for $10. I told y’all to get some of this thrift game.

The Weather!!!!! It is going to be in the 80s for the rest of the week. I spent this past evening outside with my neighbors watching the children play in the cul-de-sac, and we may or may not have guzzled down a bottle of Moscato while doing so. I am looking forward to the lazy hazy days of summer. I am thinking we will take a few mini trips this summer instead of a huge vacation. That way I can be cheap and plan accordingly!

Now, y’all know I am far from an event planner and details are a weak point yet Trina and I are in the process of planning an incredible event for a great cause for those of you in the Atlanta area, I’m also working on a baby shower, and Lil Mama’s party. That being said my comments on your blogs may be slight the next few weeks but I’m going to get around (not like that) I promise!

I have an awesome giveaway coming up soon..Make sure you check back early next week.

Oh, and I’m going to BlogHer if you haven’t seen my blog bling to your right. I can’t wait to meet all of my NYC besties in my head. Are you going?

About that March photo a day challenge…Yeah, I’ll catch y’all in April…maybe.

Welp, that’s all I got. What’s good in your hood or ‘burb.

Bored? Sorry.

Life Random

‘Round Here

If you were a fan of Memphis Bleek with his fine self back in the day you totally get the title of this post.

I digress. I haven’t done a random post about my life’s happenings in awhile so here you go. You’re welcome.

You care.

Lil Mama is talking up a storm. Amazing how one day they have no words and then… Here are are some of her favorite things to say:

” Cake it off” = Take it off

“Sanwish” = Sandwhich

“Opi it” = Said as something is thrust in your face to open. Usually something she has no business with like, Ms. Jessie’s Curly Pudding, soap, candy etc.

“Put on” = usually used to indicate she wants her shoes on or lipgloss. Yes lipgloss. I’m creating a monster

“No” = Usually said to everything, including things when she really means yes

“Sear e ale” = Cereal

” A Biolet” = Violet..the little toy dog.

” A Pincess” = A Princess

“Earwing” = Earring

That’s all I can think of for now.

Lil Man is doing good in school. He is being tested for gifted in a couple of weeks. He is getting better and better at the piano. Its almost like something just clicked. Basketball is over so I am going to put him in an individual sport. I want him to take tennis but he has requested golf, so golf it is.

His attitude and talking back has gotten better. I would like to think its my mastering of the famous, ” Who you talking to” and soul piercing eye glance that I now dish out that has him on his A game.

Mr.’s foot is finally better. He has rid himself of the walking boot although I really think he had another few weeks. I just said to him, ” It will be real tragic if you re injure yourself.”

I am working on building Divinitee. It is a process and I understand it will be a slow walk but I am anxious to see what I can build of this. Thank you all for your support.

Welp, I think that’s it for the randoms. What’s good in your hood or burb?

Me Random

Thought You Might Like to Know

I haven’t done one of these random posts about me in awhile. I’m in a random mood..lucky for you.

I’m an insomniac. I don’t sleep. I watch videos, tweet and blog at all hours of the night.

I bite my nails. Really a part of the reason why they must be painted. The taste of nail polish chips. Naw, I’m good.

I’m a major slacker when it comes to housework. As my Twitter bio states…I’m a sad excuse for a housewife *shrugs*

I wish I had a big booty..but I don’t.

My husband is the best ever. Sometimes I feel like I don’t show him how appreciative I really am of him and all he does for our family. Will rectify that in the new year.

I want to be a mogul. Something like a Kimoro but you can leave the bling and bring Djimon…I’m kidding, about the bling. I digress.

I love hood music. This is not new.

When I’m home alone, I play dress up and put on makeup. This doesn’t happen often.

I am thinking about donating my hair to Locks of Love. hmmmmm…..

I get scared when things go well in my life. I always think the bad times are coming and often wonder what they will bring with them..real talk. Gotta keep that umbrella handy.

I eat sugar on my grits and rice

My mind is always going a million miles a minute. If I don’t write things down I forget them…I never write things down. You do the math. If I told you I was going to do something and I didn’t. Please remind me. Then hand me a Post It…I didn’t say it had to be my handwriting.

I’m going to start back running. Half marathon in March. I think I have time to get ready.

I’m addicted to that show Storage Wars. I think I am going to buy a locker this year. Once I convince the Mr. I only have $200 on it though.

I’m a Beyonce stan.

I walk in circles in the store. So?

I daydream..a whole lot. Like, people may have to say Hello…is anyone home. Like I be somewhere else. Welp. Knock on the door if you need my attention.

If I need to spend a large amount in the store. I’ll make two trips. Two $40 bills is > than one $80 one. No?

That’s enough random foolishness. Share something random about yourself so we all can feel a little bit normal.