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Random Weekend

What’s Really Going On

It’s Friday!! We made it.

I feel like I have a ton going on and when I feel like that and can’t put it all into a coherent, blog post you know what you get…RANDOMS!!

Here we go

This week my worst fear happened. I stepped out to take my Godmother to a screening of “Won’t Back Down” and while in the care of my Godbrother Addison got hurt and had to go to the urgent care. She got TWO stitches in her little lip. *insert motherly wail* She is fine, the stitches come out tomorrow. But still.

The only thing that is standing between me and my online boutique is a mannequin..$80 worth of a mannequin that I just really want to find on a deal. I’ll spend another week looking and then I will have to part with the $80 #SheSoCheap Domain is purchased, logo designed, clothes hanging. NO MANNEQUIN

Beauty Children Family Hair Random Summer

She So Random

The past few weeks around here have been extra chill. For a New York minute I was starting to feel bad about not really being productive then I got over it.  We’ve been going to bed late at night and sleeping late in the morning. We have the next 9 months to be on a schedule. I think we’ll enjoy these last two weeks going with the flow.

Speaking of New York I am ramping up my preparations to head to the Big Apple for BlogHer in a couple of weeks. I have childcare lined up and the majority of my outfits have been planned out via Evernote in this manner.

I do need to pick up a few things and I plan on grabbing those sometime this weekend. My sense of urgency is real because my son goes back to school on Monday the 6th and I get back on the 5th so everything needs to be in order.

I can’t wait to meet some of my bloggy friends and just have a good time. I have been invited to a few private parties and I do plan to attend. For the amount of money that has been dished out I need to get the most of the weekend.

I am thankful for BlogHer this year because it is keeping my mind off the impending anniversary of my mother’s death which is on July 27, and her birthday is on August 4th. With so much to do I won’t really have time to sit and mope. I suppose this is a good thing.

Lil Mama is now fully potty trained. No diapers or wipes to be found around these parts. She is even starting to go on her own…but if the light is out in the bathroom no haps. I “stared” she says, and “stared” means scared.

I have been on a mission to take better care of Lil Mama’s hair. Y’all know how much of a hair person I am not. I can cornrow really well and I’ve been known to sew in a weave or three. Yes, me. That’s how I made money in college.  I tried out a coconut oil and honey prepoo on her hair and I am a believer. I was putting ponytails in it and her edges were starting to be affected so I have been two strand twisting or cornrowing it. I have seen an improvement over the past few weeks. Now to be consistent.


My son took his first flight alone from Las Vegas to here on July 5th. I was a nervous wreck. He did fine. He was such a big boy. My dad bribed him with an iPod. I really didn’t want him to have one then my dad had to remind me that he bought me a Gameboy when I was his age…Wellllllllllllll…..moving on. Could I be a hater?


My son is taking up soccer for the fall. I am looking forward to seeing how he enjoys it. Truth be told I never really thought he liked football much. He requested soccer and luckily we didn’t miss registration so I guess I’m now a soccer mom.

I’ll start doing house updates sometime next week.

Enough about our goings on. How are you? What’s been going on in your world?



Random Uncategorized

She So Random


Yes, I know I was M.I.A. again. Those that follow me on Instagram and Twitter know I was on vacation in Washington D.C. We had a great time sight seeing and enjoying my family. I’ll post some pictures of our adventures next week. Last time I was there was 4 years ago for inauguration…I know, I have to do better about seeing my side of the family. We always go with my husband’s family but there will be a change from now on. It was so refreshing spending time with people who knew my mother and me as a child. I needed that connection.

In other news:

I have decided to open an online boutique and link it to the blog with some of the finds I come across when thrifting. I am not sure if I want to build up inventory or just start putting up pieces as I come across them. I will have all sizes and it is likely that nothing will be above $30 unless it is a high end label…Stay tuned

Divinitee is coming along. At this point I have decided not to rush a summer line but put out a spectacular fall/winter line. That process is in the works. I’m excited.

My son left from DC and went back to Las Vegas with my dad and stepmother…via car. No. 3 days in a car? I’m sooooo good. I wonder if he talked their ears off

I quietly want to move back to D.C. We discussed it and the Mr. isn’t against it but the cost of living…I say the cost of living.

I’m going to get back to doing my weekly thrift vlogs starting tomorrow.

My husband is up for a promotion….pray for him please. This could really set us up and allow us to pursue the things that we have been dreaming of.

My iPhone screen is still cracked #youcare

My stepdaughter is here for the summer. I love her!!

These kids have taught the baby to say 2 Chainzzzzzz except she says 2 Trainzzzzz….. I’m not sure who’s to blame, my kids or the kids in the neighborhood. I promise it wasn’t me…this time.

Bath and Body Works is having their Semi Annual sale. Am I the only one worked up about cheap Wallflowers, scented oils and 3 wick candles. I am? Oh.

I have been using the pure coconut oil on the baby’s hair like so many people have suggested and it is working!!

I have been having these awful headaches on one side of my head. I’ve been avoiding the doctor but I think its time I go 🙁 My self diagnosis says its either dehydration or blood pressure..but I’ll tell you what the doctor says.

Your turn…give me something random that is going on in your life!!




Life Random Uncategorized

Life Lessons Learned in a Week Long Class

My class last week was long, intense and for lack of better words  a complete overload of information. I found myself chugging down coffee and water to stay awake. Eight hours of straight lecture for a week is enough to send anybody batty but when I wasn’t struggling to keep my eyes open I really learned some invaluable information.

While most of the information applied to management practices, the majority of it could be applied to ones personal life and assist in the decision making process on the micro level. Thought I would share some of the facts that really resonated with me. I had to pay $2,737.42 non financial aid dollars for this info. I need you to apply this somehow in your life. I need to get the most out of my money.

Increasing your level of self awareness, also increases your awareness of others

Your skill level will only get your hired. The majority of the time your PERSONALITY is what gets you promoted….I can see that.

Communication is not one size fits all. For it to be effective you have to tailor your delivery to the receiver….Sorry 🙁

Your personality drives your behaviors…..Yassss!!! Dry people = Boring….sounds about right.

If you don’t have a plan B you will always be a victim….Welp

People who have the most to lose resist change the most….but I know people who have nothing to lose and still won’t change.

…but who asked me. Carrying on.

If you can’t measure something it doesn’t exist

You begin again after failure

Creativity in our children goes from 90% in pre K to 10% by 4th grade…..Sad

In a society that pushes us to assimilate you have to practice creativity

In reality our brains can only focus on 1 thing at a time. When we are multitasking many of the things we are doing comes natural and doesn’t require brain power….I guess.

*school bell rings*

Before you run out, anything here strike you as weird, insightful, or encouraging?