I have mentioned previously that I really would like to move into a new home. Our home is very cozy, however when we purchased it, we planned on only living here for 3 years max and then allowing my mother to stay when we moved on to a bigger home.
Well you know how the saying goes about planning. After my mother died 3 years ago, the market started heading down hill and I just wasn’t coherent enough to contemplate a move at that time so we stayed and now at 5 years it is time to move.
The Mr. and I decided today that we would start the process and if everything is a go that we would start looking at the beginning of the year. This makes me nervous. Just like me to want something to happen and then when it could possibly come to fruition I get scared.
Then I started thinking. Is it our time. I only thought this because I have seen so many people insist that God made a way for them to do XYZ and they forge ahead only to find themselves in a big ‘ole mess. Me and my over analytical self thinks often that people confuse God’s voice with their own.
See. IN MY OPINION, if God brings you something it will be smooth sailing. No need to rob Peter to pay Paul or leave ends untied. Then the other half of me says that God will bring you something that has trials and tribulations tied to it to prove that He can fix all things. I don’t know. I’m just rambling. But I’m tired of folks living above their means on the premise that God said it and then its a sob story when they can’t make their ends meet.
That being said. I want to move, but I’m a little scared. We’re comfortable. What do utilities look like in a bigger home, what will we do with our current home. Will we have a good tenant. What if they don’t pay.
I need to have faith in God. If He opens this door, I’ll make sure we stay below our means. I think He would honor that as being grateful instead of being greedy.
What’s your take. A door opens, do you run right through or do you think maybe God is testing you to use your discernment and that there just might be something better if you use patience instead of haste? I’m listening
Told you this everyday blogging would get random.