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Weekend Wrap Up


How are ya? Can you believe it is April already. Q1 completed. We’re moving right along.

My son is on spring break this week and to think that in a little over a month they will be out for the summer. *freaks out and runs in circles* what am I going to do with these children over the summer..another post for another day.


This weekend was kind of busy. I went out Wednesday night to a benefit for Atlanta Diaper Relief. It was hosted by Everywhere a local social media marketing firm. It was held at Nancy’s Buckhead where the food and Ciroc specialty drinks were flowing as we enjoyed a fun evening singing karaoke and collecting diapers for the diaper bank.

Of course my bloggy BFF Trina and I had to start the party off right with Poison by BBD. We did that.

From my understanding nearly 2K diapers were collected. Doing good and have a good time..yasssss!!



Yours Truly, Trina, Tiffany, Mary


Trina, Me, Eboni


Lisa and I

After that laid low until the weekend. Friday the new Toys R Us/ Babies R Us store opened in my neighborhood.  I was super stoked when I saw that the characters from Yo Gabba Gabba would be there. Seeing that Addison loves them, I had the genius idea to take her down there to see them. Well she acted a darn fool and this was the best shot I could get of her with Foofah and Plex. You should’ve seen the horror on her face when Brobee reached out to touch her. She may be scarred for life. Just maybe.


Saturday morning after grocery shopping and a few other errands I went to a Stella and Dot party at the home of Mattie of Mattieologie. The party was hosted by Gina of Mommy Posh. So great meeting her in real life. Her NY accent was all of that…I digress. Stella and Dot has some awesome pieces.



Gina and I

After chatting for awhile, Lil Mama and I headed over to Fridays to have lunch with Eboni, Lexi, Tish and Trina.



Came back to the crib and relaxed for the rest of the weekend.

What’s crackin’ or should I say what cracked in your hood or burb this weekend?


Here’s the Thing…

For the past few days I have been in deep thought about my feelings regarding the Trayvon Martin case. It should be said and understood that as a mother my heart aches for his parents to have lost a child under such circumstances with so many unanswered questions.

My feelings in question lie with the “movement”. The hoodies, the skittles, the ice tea…..

See. Everytime something happens people want to rally for the cause and when the cause becomes a has been so does the crowd. See nothing will ever change until there is a movement and not just a moment. While I agree that Zimmerman at least should be in police custody there is a law that is prohibiting his arrest.

Well, when that law was being presented, half of the vigilantes had no idea it was on the ballot or furthermore don’t know who their congressmen are or even how the process works. All they know is a black boy was killed by someone who was non black and they were off and running.

When will people get that change starts at the bottom. Marching yes brings awareness, I agree. Yet awareness that doesn’t turn into action is futile. Just like I am sure we can count on two hands and two feet how many people out there rallying are really about that life.

That life of sacrifice and working for the betterment of all mankind. There are thousands of Trayvons, and there are equal number of parents whose stories will never be told…same story different place. No grassroots movements were set in motion for them. They were forced to bury their loved ones in the shadows and no one cared.

Then the whole racial profilling. Yes, racial profiling is wrong on many levels but please don’t be out yelling it to the masses and then in the next breath say “I don’t do business with black people” or ” I don’t want to live in a black neighborhood”. This is racial Why? They aren’t going to give you good service or they will break in your house.  If you are going to be about the life…Be.About.The.Life. Otherwise give your regards, say your prayers and start in your own backyard. That’s where real change occurs.

My cry is that if change is to occur start at home. Teach your children the importance of voting. Standing and speaking up for all people that don’t have a voice. If we are marching, march for ALL people who have a similar story. They all deserve justice to be served

I’m done.


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Welp my friends. The time has come. March 1 is upon us.


Well around the blogosphere it has been said for months that GFC will no longer work on WordPress self hosted sites…Well I’m included in that number.

I know you have seen many posts about this, but I am concerned about you making it with me to the other side. That being said if you are following this here blog through Google Friend Connect you will no longer find me after the 1st.

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