I feel like this post will be like that moment when you finally sit down to have drinks and dinner with your girl after a long hiatus of not speaking regularly.
*waits for you to order your food and drink*
Giiiiirl. Things have been crazy to say the least.
So, the baby is slowly entering the treacherous threes and refuses to wear anything but a frilly dress or tutu without a major melt down
My blood pressure was spiraling out of control so I finally decided to lace my running shoes back up and within just two weeks my blood pressure is averaging 120/88. Still need to work on the bottom number but at least I got started. I’ve been drinking a ton of water and wouldn’t you know these old creaky knees haven’t been bothering me at all. Water really is a nasty cure all. I have been reminded that I truly love running and it feels good to be back on the pavement…now to stay there. A half marathon is on my bucket list so I am training for the Thanksgiving Day half marathon. I should be ready by then. In the meantime I plan to run a few 5K and 10K races to keep me motivated.

…or a dog is chasing you! This is my motto as I’m striving for a 10 min mile
Well, they cancelled the contract on the home we were building and instead of waiting on the paperwork we needed to reinstate it we decided to continue looking for a new home and we came up on our dream home. Like the home I always envisioned. Before we were slightly settling but moving into this home would make me feel like I settled for nothing and that all the past drama was just leading us to the perfect home. We put in a contract today. We have to wait until Wednesday at the latest to see if it is accepted. There is a little bit of drama with it as we don’t think it will appraise for the selling price, so we attached a love letter to hopefully encourage them to honor the contract and sell us the home for the appraised value in the event it is lower than the offered price.
I’m pretty sure I am going back to work. After much deliberation I have decided to possibly start looking for work with a long list of must haves. One being I must be able to work from home. Wish me luck, and if you know of anything holla at ya girl!!
I haven’t been blogging as much because I have been asking God to provide me with the ability to make steady income while not jeopardizing my ability to be available to my family. We have decided there is no need for both of us to run the hamster wheel and if I go back to work I need to be at home. What I realized is that I am asking for a promotion but I haven’t mastered the basics and that is putting my family ahead of everything, everyday. So now I have to take care of them and my home first and blogging has been getting put on the back burner as I struggle to balance both. I think I have finally found my groove so I can start back posting and commenting regularly. I may be visiting some of your virtual homes rather late at night so leave the porch light on…K?!
I am trying to line up activities for the summer. I can’t even believe that there is just over a month left in school. I promise it seems like it was just the first day of school.
My son is doing really good with baseball. I know I mentioned how worried I was about him in the beginning but he is really shining. We did get the private lessons and they have indeed paid off. I think he has truly found a sport that he likes.
I guess that’s all for now. What’s good in your hood?!!
April 28, 2013 at 8:02 pmGlad to hear your blood pressure is good, and that you found a natural way to control it (while doing something you enjoy). The thought of training for a half — whew! — but I know it’s something I’ll also be doing eventually. I’m good with 5Ks for the moment – ha! (I’ll actually be doing one in Atlanta in June).
Sooo excited for you guys and this new house! Things work out just as they were supposed to — and you did a great job believing that through all the drama with the other house. You will get exactly what you deserve! 🙂
If you’ve never considered teaching, maybe you should. If you have a masters (which I think I read a while back on your blog that you do…?), consider teaching at the community college level. Maybe evening classes (or morning – whichever works for you). Community colleges are great part-time work. Around here those jobs are held on to for dear life, but maybe with you being in Atlanta, you have a lot more community colleges to choose from. Just a thought…
Anyhoo, glad to hear things all your good things. Have a good week!
April 28, 2013 at 8:16 pmWow so much progress! I’m with you on the exercise thing. I just started doing water aerobics and I’m determined to learn yoga. I’m super happy for you about the house! I know you were having some real struggles, but God always shows up right on time, doesn’t He? I know that he will continue to show you favor in this and all areas of your life. I’ll be praying that you find a good way to make an income from home too I know that the telecommuting market is really opening up so I will certainly keep my eyes open!
April 28, 2013 at 8:24 pmI’ve been so inspired by your running pics on Instagram. I can’t to start working out again after I have the baby.
I will continue to pray for you and your family during your house buying process. You guys have really be hanging in there. Just remember that what God has for you is for and it can’t be taken away. I can’t wait to see pics of your dream home!
Ditto what GK said about the telecommuting positions. I know Apple had one posted on their website for a support position not to long ago. I also follow a blog on twitter that posts a lot of work from opportunities. I’ll tweet you the account name.
Oh and that is so funny about your daughter and her dresses/tutus, LOL!!!
April 28, 2013 at 8:31 pmYAY!!!! I love it when God does great things for good people!
Fingers crossed for the seller to accept the offer!
Good luck on the job search! Just like God found your house, he will lead you to a job that is exactly what you need.
Running… Yeah….I’m working on it…I’m running the Peachtree!
And I feel you about the blogging. I love blogging and the community, but Cdub and Pookah sometimes need more more than the blogging world, and family is ALWAYS first priority! It’s been hard trying to find my groove now that I work 5 days a week, but I think I’m getting my rhythm too.
April 28, 2013 at 11:08 pmGlad to have you back to blogging!!! Your daughter and her tutus are hilarious and cute at the same time! Poor Baby I hate when they have breakdowns! Like Tia said I cant wait to see the pics of the house!!! And it will all work out in the end! I also saw the Apple positions because I contemplated them myself! I want to look into online teaching once I finish my degree then I can work from anywhere!
April 28, 2013 at 11:10 pmOh and go girl with the running!!! Keep up the good work!!!
April 28, 2013 at 11:24 pmA comment is not event sufficient for me. We need to Skype, stat!!!!
But I will say that you know I feel you on this blogging thing! So much to do, so little time. Family must always come first, though!
April 28, 2013 at 11:56 pmGood luck on the house keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Good luck in going back to work at home pass on some info to me also that would be a dream come true to work from home I would be in heaven. Glad he found his sport best of luck to him in baseball.
April 29, 2013 at 8:15 amHow exciting with all the changes! I feel ya about working from home and balancing everything else. I’m excited to see how things change when Nia enters school this fall so I can get down to business at last. So hard juggling multiple roles, right?
Legally Chocolat
April 29, 2013 at 8:20 amGood luck with the house! You’ll be packing and redecorating sooner than you know it. And lol at lil mama wanting to stay tutued up lol!!!!!
April 29, 2013 at 9:07 amHey there! I’ve seen your photos on instagram and you’ve inspired me to start running again as well. I have high cholesterol and I need to get that under control.
I’m super excited that you found your dream home and I’m praying things work out for your family! Good luck finding a position that works for you, I’m sure there is something out there that fits your skills and the flexibility you’re looking for.
Love that quote! Welcome back to blogging!
Prototype Mama
April 29, 2013 at 1:45 pmIt’s good to always take a little step back and realign yourself with God’s purpose– glad to see you back running and hoping that everything works out with your home and job hunting! Try offering your services for something that you’re good at– my motto is: if you can’t find the right fit– make the right fit. Meaning, create what you want. I homeschool my boys and I’m a pretty good teacher so I’m now offering to homeschool other working mamas kids for next year.
Mrs. Delightful
May 1, 2013 at 7:48 amYAY, looking forward to seeing pictures of the new house and post about the marathons you will be completing.
May 6, 2013 at 10:28 amGreat post my dear. I will pray that God has them honor what he said he would do for your family. Remember sometimes God does things we dont understand but it happens for a reason. Maybe He wants you guys to have a bigger home with more land. Who knows but I know it will be perfect when it happens.
Have you tried going on elance for freelance virtual assistant jobs? I got my assistant on their. She gets paid nicely and she works from home. We actually live in the same city which is cool for when I actually need her. I hope everything works in your favor =)
May 18, 2013 at 3:25 amSo thats what I have to look forward to if I have a girl one day? hmmm. lol I have seen your posts. Running is something I can never commit to but always enjoy following others who train. I hope all works out with the home and employment. That is on my agenda as well.
May 20, 2013 at 4:57 pmHey girl! I feel like we did catch up! You have a lot on your plate as do i but totally different things/ Dont stress about the house situation- pray about it and let it go. if it the place for you and your family, it will all work out. Believe me! Also, I jope you get all of your demands for going back into the workforce… Stay positive! TTYL