Me My Babies WAHM

Mimi’s Mishaps and Musings

This is going to be a new feature on the blog outlining what went right and terribly wrong at the Scarlett’s during the previous week. I figure, you will either learn something new or have a good laugh at my/our expense!

If I am going to be sick…call a maid
Did you know children needed to floss their teeth? I didn’t…$2,000 lesson

When you are not driving your own car, don’t test the gas light (a story for another time)

When following a recipe, even if the directions don’t call for seasoning..season the food anyway

All dishwashing liquid and trash bags are not created equal

Don’t fry chicken wings with a tank top on

When you know the fish is dead, take it out of the bowl, don’t wait until the child sees it belly up #badmom!

No matter how tired you are, take the clothes out of the washer, they’ll smell like mildew if you don’t

Always put washing powder in first otherwise you’ll forget 

If you are going to leave your lipgloss in the car, make sure to screw the top on tight
ALWAYS keep a bib on the baby
Make a shopping list, visiting Walmart 7 times in 4 days is a waste of time
Take.blood.pressure.pills.daily  185/107 is NOT a joke ( I know, I need a swift kick)

All changes to my website have been finalized and website should be back up by the end of the week
Looking forward to working with a new graphic design artist to take my T-shirt line in a new direction 😉
In an effort to embrace my natural hair more I did a braid out, and it came out phenom!
The Mr. got tired of how nasty my car was and had it detailed

I got to hang out with my girls…even if the place did look like a daycare center

Despite the fact I didn’t practice piano with Lil Man all week, he went to lessons and played like a mini John Legend

Lil man told me I looked like a $1000 bucks, and that I would look like a million if I combed my hair..Bwahahaha!

I had a martini on Friday night..despite my post here

How did last week treat you?


  • Reply
    October 24, 2010 at 7:45 am

    Umm Sis I need you to take your meds! Be well!

    And I identified with most of your mishaps,lol. I have said over and over that I was going to keep a running list and start menu planning so I'm not constantly in the store wasting time and money.

    Can't wait to see your t-shirt line. And yay @ mini John Legend!

  • Reply
    Lisa Fergus
    October 24, 2010 at 9:59 am

    Some of the mishaps made me smile…because I've been there of course!!!

    Good luck with everything…and I finally grabbed your tag for my page!

  • Reply
    AO xoxxo
    October 24, 2010 at 11:36 am

    Your mishaps were funny….speaking of….I think I left clothes in the washing machine, washed, from Friday!!! Oh NO!!!

    Excited about your t-shirt! Cant wait to see it!!

  • Reply
    Rose's Daughter
    October 25, 2010 at 7:19 am

    Umm, Please please take your meds!!
    Why is it that some recipes never call for seasoning??? I've gotten caught a couple of times, even from *gasp* food network cooks.
    My braid out looked ok…..for one day!
    Can't wait to see your t-shirt!

  • Reply
    Help! Mama Remote...
    October 25, 2010 at 11:15 am

    Ha! Mishaps I've done all the above! Do I learn from them….don't know hehehe. Have a wonderful week!

  • Reply
    Bonhomie Jewelry
    October 25, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    waitin' on those t-shirts!! very excited! and you don't wanna know about last week's mishaps.

  • Reply
    October 25, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    Bwahaha! Sorry to laugh at your expense, but some of those were funny. I've been in quite a few of those moments. Wait, wait, seriously – kids need to floss? Starting at what age???

  • Reply
    October 25, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    The dentist said around 2. They even make these flossy things for them found on the toothpaste aisle who knew!! Here I am brushing the top and bottom and he has cavities on the sides of his teeth..ugh!

  • Reply
    Mister's Wife
    October 25, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Wait hold up! I Didn't know kids need to floss. Thanks for the heads up. Let me log off and go floss my baby teeth…lol

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