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new home construction


Building the House Episode 9

While I knew we had been at this process for quite some time it wasn’t until I went back and looked at the very first update that I did here on the blog that it has been 6.5 months since we started this home building/selling process. While the road has seemed long and dormant I didn’t realize it had been that long…Time sure flies.

Well at this point, we still haven’t heard back from the underwriter regarding the status of our new contract, however the loan officer said it shouldn’t be an issue and we are clear to proceed. That being said this house was put on the market Tuesday and on Wednesday I got a call from the realtor that she had a cash offer that came in about $7K above asking price. That being said this house is currently UNDER CONTRACT and they never even looked at it…and I was worried about it being extra clean. They have requested to close March 18.. Being that this is a short sale it will likely take a little longer and if not then we will be packing up and moving somewhere for a short period of time.

AND this happened:

Week 1 collage blog

Feb 7 c Feb 7

Week 1 collage b

God is good. I’m so thankful…Keep praying we still have to get through the short sale process!


Building the House Episode 4

Pretty soon these updates won’t be as sporadic and will likely move to a weekly basis now that things are moving along…kinda sort of. I also think I will incorporate some vlogs into this series at some point.

Well the house is still not on the market. Why? I don’t know.

I keep following up and following up and the agent keeps saying she is going to list it and then nothing. In the meantime I am still working out the details on getting the short sale approved so I am quite sure that is why I haven’t gone completely HAM…not to mention last week we got some word that we may not have to sell our house after all and will be able to keep it as an income property. PRAY!!!!

In light of that news I am stepping back, God may be working out something spectacular for our good and my persistence may be meddling in it. I’ll continue working with the bank and if necessary will find another agent. I’ll just chill on that for another week…I guess.

About two weeks ago they started laying the foundation forms for Phase I using a digger and posi track. Don’t get too excited we are in Phase II but nonetheless I’m happy for whoever is about to get their foundation laid. There is a total of ten forms done after we found a good Concrete Form Rental. They are just waiting for concrete.

Future model home

One day last week I went by and noticed they were running the electrical lines and putting in junction boxes. That day this is where they were in the process. I am standing on our lot looking up the street.

I went by yesterday morning and this is where they were…..



Thank you to everyone who has offered a kind word or piece of advice thus far. You are appreciated. To that one person who texts and is joining me on this journey I am praying for you!

Need to get caught up? Click the Building the House link category for episodes 1-3


Building the House..Episode 3

There is nothing particularly news worthy occurring on the home building front. The builder is currently waiting on the plat map so that we can get a good idea of exactly where the house will sit on the lot. We are getting close. It is my understanding that hopefully within three weeks we will see the actual building start. With it being a new development there is so much paperwork and permits to be obtained so that is the hold up. So for now this is what we have to look at

Lot ends at the white pole on the right.