Ponce City Market

Veni, Vidi………..

I’m all for transparency. I’ve been vocal about people not looking at my Instagram squares and the pretty pictures I take and using those little snippets to create a vision of what this life looks life. I’ll tell you, I’m wealthy because of my family and my positive attitude but sometimes a sister feels beat down, discouraged and overwhelmed.

Lately I’ve been feeling more like I came, I saw, and I got conquered.

Today I just decided I was going to sit in those feelings for a minute. Sit in them, let them make me sad, let them make me ponder exactly what I’m  doing with my life outside of being a wife and mother. Do I take the right or left path? Why is she getting more opportunities than me? When will it be my turn? All of that.

I’m pretty good at pushing negativity out of my way but sometimes I have to sit in my thoughts so they can encourage me to go after that thing and keep pressing.

I sat for a long time today. I wanted the tears to come because there is something cleansing  about a good cry that releases the frustration, but they didn’t fall. They aren’t far off, but clearly not close enough because I would’ve liked to wrap up the pity party today.

I guess the timing isn’t right and we all know it is everything.

Here’s to not having to feel forced to feel your best everyday. Here’s to showing the world your vulnerability. Here’s to all of us who want the tears to fall already but they won’t. They will in due time, the question is do we let them water our seeds or drown our intentions.

I’m a gardener. How about you?




4 responses to “Veni, Vidi………..”

  1. MJ Avatar

    You know I am right here with on this. I’m a gardener too so I’ll be watering the garden I need to frowwheb these tears fall.

  2. NS Avatar

    New to your blog, but this post is right on time. I have the opposite issue I suppose. Today is my 36th birthday, and my tears have been falling since last night and all morning long. I alternate moment by moment between sadness about some things in my life that I thought would be different by now, and hope for a better tomorrow. I completely understand what you mean about sitting in this place and letting those feelings come. That is where I am right now. Pressed, but not crushed. Struck down, but not destroyed. I believe that God is doing a great work in my heart even now. And that even in the midst of my tears and fruatration, He sends His strong encouragement. Your post is one of them. So thank you for being honest and vulnerable enough to share what you did. It blessed my soul. More than you know.

    1. Mimi Avatar

      Happy Birthday! Glad I could be a vessel to send His message at the right time! We all have our struggles I’m very vocal about mine in hopes that they would help the next person and this comment just made my day. I hope you enjoyed your birthday and that we both will hold our heads high and step into the weekend refreshed….even though my tears still haven’t fallen!

      Thank you for stopping by, please don’t be a stranger.

  3. LaShawn Avatar

    I’m a gardener too. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been watering for years, when the same ones who started gardens with me have gardens that are BLOOMING while mine just has blooms here or there. But I’m going to keep going!

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