The other day I was in the store and the lady behind me in line jokingly says, ” You know they make dye for that.” I turn around and ask, ” Dye for what?” Her answer? Your hair.
My response? Word. But she couldn’t leave it there, she had to go on about how young I am and why would a pretty lady my age want gray hair.
My response? It’s mine and I’m fine with it actually, and gave her a look like say one more thing.
My respect for old folks is top notch, which is why she didn’t get it like she should’ve but it led me to think that as people some of us are really all about trying to fight nature.
I mentioned in the post after my new haircut that I am making peace with my gray and am choosing to let nature sprinkle my crown with glitter, those little icicles you put on the christmas tree, platinum strands or whatever you want to call gray hair these days.
I’ve had more than my fair share of opinions on why said “voicer” of opinion could never go gray at this age, as if I asked. I politely listen and stand firm on my belief that I love my hair just as it is, and because it’s on my head I have that right.
At this age my mother was completely gray, and I can’t say that if I was completely gray at this age that I wouldn’t be dying but these little streaks of gray are gradually “salt and peppering” my hair and I’m here for it.
In this era where there is dye, a pack of hair, eyelashes, brow powder and a plethora of other options to fix those things about us that we aren’t fond of is it that hard to understand a person just wanting to be natural and let nature take its course.
Have we become numb to embracing the inevitable when it comes to our appearances? I’m asking for a friend.