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November 2015

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10 days of elf on the shelf ideas

Currently Bella and Charlotte, our elves are misplaced but at the thought of purchasing two new elves I promise I will find them before Thanksgiving. For those of you that participate in Elf on the Shelf you know very well how hard it is to keep the shenanigans going throughout the month. From running out of fresh ideas to forgetting to move the elf, the struggle gets real. Thought I would pull together a few ideas to get you started. I’ll be back in a few days with 20 more to get you through the month.


  1. Unlikely Martha
  2.  A Small Snippet
  3. Frugal Coupon Living
  4. Skinny Mom
  5. TheHowardsGotElfed
  6. Frugal Coupon Living
  7. A Little Bit Funky
  8. Raining Hot Coupons
  9. Rebecca Lundin
  10. Unlikely Martha


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dropcloth curtain inspiration

Now that soccer and baseball are over, I slightly have my weekends to myself and this weekend I am going to attack the curtains in my son’s room. I’ve mentioned before that my plans for his room are teetering on a style that is rustic chic.

I have decided to try painting stripes on dropcloths. I went to Home Depot today and picked up painter’s tape and one 6X9 dropcloth. I am going to paint them with the same shade of red from these stripes.

It’s a shame how I was so excited about getting Addison’s room finished and have completely dropped the ball on getting his finished and he is making it known that he doesn’t appreciate it so I am making it a priority this week to get his curtains up.

Not sure yet how big the stripes will be, you’ll have to wait until the reveal for that. I have been perusing Pinterest for some inspiration. These are a few of my favorites.

dropcloth curtains


painted curtains 2Source

painted curtain 3


Since I told y’all I was going to paint his curtains this week. Somebody hold me accountable. Seriously look for the reveal some time next week.

Got any DIY projects underway or in planning?


going gray gracefully?

The other day I was in the store and the lady behind me in line jokingly says, ” You know they make dye for that.” I turn around and ask, ” Dye for what?” Her answer? Your hair.

My response? Word. But she couldn’t leave it there, she had to go on about how young I am and why would a pretty lady my age want gray hair.

My response?  It’s mine and I’m fine with it actually, and gave her a look like say one more thing.

My respect for old folks is top notch, which is why she didn’t get it like she should’ve but it led me to think that as people some of us are really all about trying to fight nature.

I mentioned in the post after my new haircut that I am making peace with my gray and am choosing to let nature sprinkle my crown with glitter, those little icicles you put on the christmas tree, platinum strands or whatever you want to call gray hair these days.

I’ve had more than my fair share of opinions on why said “voicer” of opinion could never go gray at this age, as if I asked. I politely listen and stand firm on my belief that I love my hair just as it is, and because it’s on my head I have that right.

At this age my mother was completely gray, and I can’t say that if I was completely gray at this age that I wouldn’t be dying but these little streaks of gray are gradually “salt and peppering” my hair and I’m here for it.

In this era where there is  dye, a pack of hair, eyelashes, brow powder and a plethora of other options to fix those things about us that we aren’t fond of is it that hard to understand a person just wanting to be natural and let nature take its course.

Have we become numb to embracing the inevitable when it comes to our appearances? I’m asking for a friend.

Living planning

planner planning part I

The new year is on its way and I have been doing a ton of research on planners and which one I am going to go with for the new year. Looked at both Erin Condren and Whitney English, was almost certain I was going with Whitney English until I went in Target and spent a whole 30 minutes at the end cap opening and closing and comparing all of the different types of Sugar Paper planners. Mae Bad on Youtube has a great video on the comparisons if you are into these things.

There were two in particular that I just loved, they each had something that the other one didn’t. I ended up going with this one.


Although I am not completely certain I am going with this one, I purchased it because there were only a few left and as I thought they are now sold out at my Target and online. I’m still a lot smitten with the Whitney English Day Designer so I may still get that one. We’ll see.

I did some planner decorating last year but mostly the monthly views, not the weekly views which I really want to get more into next year. I hit up Hobby Lobby last week because they had all stickers on sale for 50% off so I’ve started building my sticker stash. I plan to play around with stamping and washi tape a little more.

I’ll do a haul of all of my planner supplies in a few weeks as I am still collecting and waiting on a few things to come from Amazon that I ordered.

What planner are you going with in 2016? Didn’t know all of this was such a big deal? If not check out #plannernerd #plannercommunity and #planneraddict on a social media outlet of your choice. You’ll see.

This. Is. Serious.