Monthly Archives

November 2015

Banana Republic Sweater
Featured Living


I used to do these types of posts back in the day, not quite sure why I stopped.  This blogging everyday thing can be challenging and since at this time I have nothing poignant or thought provoking to add to the internet I think I’ll just ramble.

This time of year is always so difficult for me because it’s time to start cleaning house in the sense of giving folks that have served their season walking papers. I’ve been thinking a lot about pairing down my personal FB page. So much passive aggressiveness there. I see people that refuse to like any of my photos but handing out likes in excess to other people. I need to figure out whether I will continue to let them spectate or send them on their way.

I am in love with my new haircut. It’s grown in a bit and I think I am about a 2 weeks away from the perfect length.

I am beginning to think that in a few years Thanksgiving will disappear and the two major holidays at the end of the year will be Halloween and Christmas. I see people with Christmas trees up already.

Speaking of, Christmas doesn’t seem to have any tradition to me anymore. Hobby Lobby has had Christmas up since July. It’s just not the same excitement and thrill anymore.

I am so tempted to do a post on what people aren’t speaking on when it comes to blogging full time. There are so many “coaches” and “brand experts” that have stepped up on the scene with no receipts. While I knock no one’s hustle I am all about FULL disclosure, and I’m sorry but some of those things are being swept right under the chevron rug upon which the desk and it’s perfectly placed mug and planner lies. I’ont know. I have to think about that a little more.

I can’t find our Elf on the Shelf. I guess I need to make that a priority.

Every year I say I’m not going out on Black Friday and every year I go. But for real, this year I’m not going.

We’re hosting Thanksgiving and there is no menu, guest list or any of that prepared as of today.

I just discovered Amazon Prime and OMG!! Certainly tardy to the party but I arrived nonetheless.

I have more than five but less than ten tattoos. I have one on my wrist, and desperately want to tatt the other, but I just keep thinking about what kind of Grandma will I be.

I think I am going to start taking ballet classes in the new year.

I think that’s it for now. Anything pressing on your mind! You know my virtual porch and ear are always available. Gone ‘head, I’m listening!

Home Living

mom cave in planning

So remember all of that work I did to change the old exercise room into a homework/playroom for the children? I’m glad to announce that unless I force them downstairs  they have decided not to use it.  Like at all. I mean August is still up on the board, that’s how much they haven’t used the space this year.

So guess what? Go ahead.

I’m turning it into my office.

My husband and I currently share an office space but he likes to listen to ESPN and music while he works while I would rather not. As good over compensating parents, we thought it would be nice to make sure the children had a space of their own, outside of their rooms while him and I share a bedroom and an office. Parents these days…

For the past month I have been encouraging them to go down there and use the room and they won’t. So the new plan of action my husband and I came up with is they will get desks in their room and I will get my own space.

…so you already know the minute I go down there and ACT like I am enjoying myself they will be right on my heels. That is where I will shut the door in their face and send them about their business.

While we are still working on the mudroom/coat closet, I am starting to plan for my office space. I am going to use the leftover wall paint color from Addison’s room and take the floating desk down. Those will be the first changes made to the room. Not really sure of the color scheme or any of the décor that will go in there but I am excited to have a pretty space for all of my things.

Here is some inspiration I have for the room:

Desk and chair.


office inspiration


Since there is already a chalkboard there and I love chalkboard walls.

office chalkboard


chalkboard 2


I’m so excited for this little space. I am thinking about putting one of those locks on the door that only open with your fingerprint.

I’ve got a few DIY projects going on right now and will be sharing them in the next few weeks, now that I finally have time to work on them with the children’s sports being done. More home posts on the horizon.

Do you have a quiet space of your own?


Featured MOMing

fall photos

Every fall I take out the time to get real photos of my babies. Moving forward I would love to do them every season but the level of struggle they give me is so R E A L.

The tweenager doesn’t want to smile because the braces don’t look right, and the other thinks she is a diva in training. I wish I could say I enjoy capturing these photos of them as much as I love looking at them but I don’t.

Here are a few of their fall 2015 shots. They’ll love me for these later they say?













Aquaphor – Cold Weather Relief for the Entire Family

I have been compensated for this post. It is my desire to bring you information about brands that may be useful to you and/or your family. All opinions are mine.

One part of being a mother is always being prepared and thinking through everything making sure you have an arsenal of products ready and available to ward off any type of accident or ailment. I am currently in the process of stocking my car with things that I will need for the colder months. I keep hand sanitizer, bandages, wipes and a plethora of other products in my car because you just never know what you might need when dealing with children.

As the holidays approach we all know there will be lots of errands to run, tons of time spent getting in and out of the car with children, and with the cold and dry weather, lots of wiping of runny noses. I keep tissues in my car but repeated blowing and wiping leaves little noses raw and uncomfortable. Keeping smaller tubes of Aquaphor Healing Ointment in the car to soothe and relieve raw noses, lips and chapped hands,  is a great tool for the whole family to use in combating some of the discomfort caused by cold weather.

Additionally, Aquaphor, is great for helping protect skin to help heal minor cuts and scrapes If you have a little runner like I do, you may know all too well about those little hand and knee scrapes that happen at the most inopportune times. For those moments, I suggest storing a tube of Aquaphor in your car or purse to help with those little nicks and scrapes while on the go.


The .35 oz. size is great for travel, sticking in your purse, or in your kids’ pockets to give them relief when the elements get to be too much and they need something to soothe windburn or other uncomfortable conditions that result from being outdoors, and in my daughter’s case running and tripping!

When it comes to family use, Aquaphor is a must-have product to have on hand for all seasons. From battling weather extremes, to bandaging boo boos, to giving your lips a little shine and protection when you need it most, you will definitely find great value in all Aquaphor products.