Thank you to PURENEW for sponsoring this conversation on skincare. All opinions are mine.
My makeup arsenal is about as basic as it gets. I like makeup, I really do. I don’t own much of it but I can pull together a decent look with the bare basics that I own, you know foundation, blush, primer, eyeliner etc. etc. etc.
In the past few months, I’ve become more concerned with my skincare. Okay, more like obsessed. I’ve started getting facials once a month and I’ve nailed down a skin care routine that is really working for me. It’s a mixture of Yes to Coconut products, the Mario Bedescu glycolic cleanser, a serum I picked up from Marshalls and Dermalogica. It’s a motley crue, but it works.
All of these products are topical, but as with anything from self love to clear skin, it all starts within. PURENEW, a fusion of the word pure and renew is a line of vitamin supplements developed to help improve your skin from the inside out. I’ll be the first to tell you that I am quite certain I don’t get all of the nutrients my body needs from the foods I eat. PURENEW supplements use premium ingredients and are backed by clinical studies and control standards enforced by the FDA to give your body and your skin an extra boost of nutrients to nourish your body on the inside and out.
The beauty (pun intended) of PURENEW is the products are optimized for skin health based on age related issues. So, since your girl is knock, knock, knocking on 40 the Professional Skin Clear I’m using is aimed at reducing wrinkles and promoting clear skin by increasing collagen and boosting moisture. Totally different from being in your 20s and 30s when the focus is on pores, fighting fine lines and dark spots.
A regimen of a healthy diet, lots of water and supplements where needed can help you feel and look your best. Always make the best decision for you. For more info on PURENEW be sure to visit their website.