Thank you to Hayneedle for partnering with Unlikely Martha. I was compensated for this post.
Starting next week clear through December I will have a number of folks in and out of my home like a revolving door at Macy’s during Christmas.
When people ask me how I do it all, after picking myself up off the floor from laughing I say you have to plan. I promise y’all, I am a hot mess at least 5 days out of the week and some weeks I am 7 for 7…so there’s that.
Planning is the P to strive for. Let’s not confuse that with procrastination. YOU HAVE TO PLAN FRIENDS.
In my pre planning for the holidays I created a list of all of the things I needed for my kitchen. The list ranged from the simplest of things like dish towels to a new frying pan. By taking the time to create this list it provided me with the ability to have an accurate account of the things I need and provide me the ability to physically cross off things as I purchase them.
Please never discount the joy that comes from dragging an ink pen over a completed task.
After a major purge of mismatched kitchen dishes in pursuit of all white dishes and clear glass cups we found ourselves with minimal eating utensils. I went online and searched Hayneedle for affordable all white kitchen dishes.
Found this 16 piece dinner set and once I got them I fell in love and decided they were far too delicate for daily use. They’ve since been put on the high shelf for guests, and the mugs placed on the mug tree at the coffee station.
The original price was $124.99 and I was able to get the set for $47.
A kitchen staple that we were thuggin’ with was a trashcan. We had a trash can but the lid half worked and the bag never stayed put so trash would find itself on the floor. My next item on the list was a good trash can. I balled out and got the automated one.
Who knew having an automated trash can would be so life changing. Just a wave of your hands and voila. I was skeptical of these automated trash cans but they are so much better than having to use the step.
This is the one I got and it was listed at $55.
Add Hayneedle to your list of sites to check when shopping for home items. They have a plethora of options that are good to your wallet.
What’s on your get ready for the holidays home checklist? Start planning NOW!!