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Athleta Girl
Health Life

Steps Mothers & Daughters Can Take to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

 This is a sponsored post in partnership with Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program.

October may be over but discussions around breast cancer awareness must and need to continue.

Discussions between mothers and daughters, and girlfriends need to continue. As women we need to be encouraging one another to be diligent about being in tune with our bodies and stopping to take care of ourselves before helping every one else.

Breast cancer has been and is currently  too close for comfort. Prevention and awareness education is just one small step that can have an enormous impact in regards to early detection and possible prevention.

Scientists, physicians, and community partners in the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP), which is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), study the effects of environmental exposures on breast cancer risk later in life. One of their initiatives involves encouraging mothers to start talking to and  educating their daughters on behaviors that may decrease the risks of breast cancer.

While my Addison is not quite of the age where I can have a serious talk with her about breast cancer, as her mother I can start with setting healthy habits and standards for her at an early age. Simple things like removing BPA products from our home and eating out of glass containers. There are so many factors that can’t be pinpointed as environmental risk factors for breast cancer but the changes are so minimal and overall healthy for our bodies that making these changes shouldn’t be very difficult in relation to the possible overall benefits.

This mother daughter toolkit has some great information on small changes you can make to possibly reduce the chances of developing breast cancer. The image below outlines a few  important steps that we can take in possibly reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Breast cancer research is so important. The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program needs our help in furthering their studies. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. The information you provide just may go towards finding a cure. You can find the survey HERE.




Domino Design Blog Awards

I’m Nominated for a Domino Mag Design Blog Award | Would Love Your Vote!


Last week I received an email from the Digital Editorial Director of Domino Magazine congratulating me on being included as a semi finalist in the inaugural Domino Magazine Design Blog Awards.

As I speed read it, my eyes shifted back to the subject line and then the dots connected and I’m like, “THEE Domino Magazine?”

*reads email again*

All kinds of legitimate verbiage, like this is really real.  I proceeded to look at my competitors and realized that once again I am a very small fish in a big pond of other amazing bloggers nominated in the same category. Although I’m truly the underdog in the category, the bright side gave me all the fuzzy feels that although my reach is smaller, the impact that I am making to be recognized by these types of outlets is an indicator that I’m on the right path and it’s okay to continue to grow this brand of mine as authentically and grassroots as I feel.

Nominations were submitted and I am thrilled that enough people thought of this space to get me to semi finalist status.


I need your votes. The winner of each category will be determined by popular vote. Voting takes place daily through October 31, 2017.

Soooooooo…….in these past seven years if I have ever inspired you to cook, bake, try a new fashion, product, clean your house, organize something or simply lay around and do nothing would you mind giving your girl a vote or 11 to get through the end of the voting period.

It’s super easy:

Click this link > Domino Design Blog Awards Voting

Scroll down to the category ” A little bit of everything: design, life, travel, and more”

Vote for Unlikely Martha

I always say this but I really am so thankful for all of you that continue to come here and support this little corner of the internet, and for those of you that connect with me on my social channels.

Have a great weekend friends and don’t forget to vote and vote again and……..


Life Living Our Home Random Rant

{Randoms} Decluttering, Painting, My Sponsored Content and Fall

My mind is full of scribble scrabble right now trying to get everything in order before school starts. I’ve succeeded at tearing up pretty much every room in this house with the intention of putting them back together before school starts. I’m not the neatest person but I have this weird thing where when things like school starts I have to have everything in order, it somehow makes the transition better. I’ve lost a lot of sleep and there is still a huge box and a few trash bags waiting to be thrown away. Ask me why they haven’t been moved.

Addison’s room is finished being painted. Mr. painted the trim and then got swamped with work so even though I said I wouldn’t be the one to paint it…I ended up painting it. Thee worse. The wall was a dark brown and I took it a light beige, that is almost white. It took two coats of the best  paint and primer money can buy. I can’t imagine how long it would’ve taken had I went with something not as thick.


Painting 1

Painting 2

Painting 3

Today we purchased her a new bed, mattress and dresser. I’ll do an update in a few days once I get everything made up. Her room has been a hodge podge since we moved in nearly a year ago. It’s time she got a room fit for a Princess.  I sure hope she likes it enough to sleep in there. Not sure how much longer I can go with her bullying me in my sleep. She insists on sleeping on my side, while he gets to sleep in peace and I STAY dangling off the edge.

In the past few days I’ve been to Target and Walmart at least twice a piece, put all of the school supplies in the basket and left without buying them. Why you ask, I feel like I’ll get a better deal if I wait until next week. I mean Crayola crayons are still $.50 when they get down to $.25 I’ll get school supplies, well really I’ll wait until Sunday when all of the new sales come out and compare pricing and then do my shopping.

Thank you to everyone that filled out the survey. For the most part the answers came back as I expected. Then there were the 3 that had something to say about sponsored content. 3! Out of nearly a hundred responses I got three but it’s only human to pay attention to the negative. So I feel the need to semi address the issue of sponsored content.

I keep it real. There will be sponsored content on this blog. As long as my children need things and I have the ability to do it, I will. With that being said will it be for random things I never use or don’t  think might be useful to those who frequent this space. NO. If I brought every pitch to this blog that was sent my way there would be nothing but sponsored content. I don’t even find it hard to turn down the money because I am genuine in this space and I value that more than anything.

I appreciate every one who comes here and supports but if I genuinely choose to use this space to generate income I feel no kind of way about it. I asked because I want to try to make sure that I am mixing it in, can’t please everybody. While sponsored content won’t always be present here, the red X will.

Moving along.

I am so ready for fall. I went to Hobby Lobby the other day and they had the harvest stuff out and I had visions of blowing leaves, crisp nights and pumpkins. Even started thinking about my fall porch. I love fall, it’s my favorite time of the year.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

What’s new in your neck of the woods. Are you waiting on $.25 crayons like me?  You ready for Pumpkin Spice Lattes?

Life Summer

Summer Vacation Week 6

front porch

Normally after I have a terrible week, I fall into a week of analyzing all that I have and realizing that instead of worrying I should be intensely thankful . It’s a vicious cycle but I believe inventory needs to be taken often. I’m good for falling into the depths of despair for minimal, materialistic things while others are faring with much less. It’s a normal process of life and I’m sure many of you do it. In EVERYTHING there is something to be grateful for.