So much going on in my head that I think it is high time I come here and let it all go…cause we are cyber homegirls..right?!!
So let’s get into the major car repair that I had to get done this week and my car still didn’t pass the emissions test..
Or, let’s talk about why the new house still hasn’t had the foundation poured and they are trying to deny our short sale on this house.
How about the fact that my Mirena is going all kinds of wonky and I’m just not ready for either of us to be permanently sterilized…although we don’t want any more children.
Should I mention that tomorrow is my birthday and I have nothing planned as of 1:05p on Friday afternoon.
Then there is ALWAYS the bright side of things like:
The uncontrollable belly laugh I got when Addison got an attitude with me because she didn’t want to put her seat belt on and says to me, ” I didn’t want to put those spraps on.” Spraps…as in straps?! I hollered, OMG. I don’t think I laughed that hard in a good while. Lawd…children!
My neighbors WON the contest. I am so happy for them. They get the dream wedding of a lifetime. I plan on asking her if she would like me to tag along when she is picking out everything to photograph her journey. I am so happy for them. I figured that could be one of my gifts to them, capturing the journey in photos up until their wedding day.
My son is playing baseball this spring. He hasn’t played before and he isn’t really good at it and I think he is starting to get discouraged. The Mr. is talking about getting him some private lessons. I am not on board with that. He will learn the good old fashioned way if I have anything to do with it.
I am considering going back to work. I enjoy being home because it allows me the opportunity to work on my own business ventures but I really want some play money. That sounds super selfish but hey!! Then I think about my problem with authority and I just may need to keep grinding it out at the crib..we’ll see.
I’ve taken on some social media clients so my days have become very busy . I am trying to keep up with your blogs and commenting but I am a little behind. My plan is to TRY to give one day a week to these things so don’t disown me! I also ask that you understand if I don’t comment on your blog that you accept my interactions on Twitter, Instagram,etc.. I’m not really into people connecting with me here and I not return the favor on some SM outlet. I see you, I appreciate you, I’m getting around to you!
I think that’s all I have for now. There will be some new additions to the blog in the coming month. Nothing drastic but just an expansion of content and more actual writing than just ramblings. I’m trying to position my brand to receive freelance work. All of this takes time, energy and sanity. Three things I’m running real low on right now.
Thank y’all for reading. See you on Monday with my birthday weekend wrapup… I don’t know exactly what I am doing but I will be TURNT UP!!