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What’s Really Going On

Weekend Wrap Up is being replaced this week because the majority of my weekend was spent nursing a very sick baby, entertaining my dad and getting this house ready for pictures.

Friday the baby had a very high fever so we rushed her to the emergency room at 2a, got no diagnosis and ended up having to take her to Urgent Care Sunday morning where she was diagnosed with Strep. So I functioned this weekend off of about 4 hours of sleep, some Ginger Ale and a prayer.

Other than that I feel like I haven’t been around these parts much. To be honest last week I seriously contemplated shutting this little blog down. Not because I don’t love you all, because I do but rather because I thought I was at a loss of words and things to talk about. After my bloggy BFF Trina talked me down off the cliff out of my slump I have decided to continue to blog here.

Source: via Mimi on Pinterest

I think I was starting to pressure myself to be THAT blog. While I know I have the capabilities to make it happen I have decided that I don’t want blogging to become a chore. I want it to remain something that I enjoy without being work. With that being said moving forward there will likely be a lot of silence in these parts in the coming months. Then there will likely be times of excessive chatter, it will all depend on my mood and where I am.

Right now I’m in a space where I don’t have much to say, I’m filtering through some things personally and I just haven’t felt like it. I hope y’all will still love me for it and hopefully I can continue growing this blog without being guilted into it.

I know I haven’t been commenting much on your blogs but I’ve been reading. Give me another week to get on the good foot and I’ll be back to normal!

Enough of that.

Hope all is well with you all. What’s been going on lately in your neck of the woods?


Holidays Life Me Milestones

End of Year Pleasantries

I just went back and read my blog posts from this time last year and it literally feels like this year flew by. I mean flew like a G6. Gone like Justin Timberlake.

This year went exceptionally well for me. I never take these things for granted, and in the past when my mind would wander in negative places I would think a good year was simply a setup for a bad one. Thank goodness for growth because I am looking at 2012 as only a small snippet of what is to come in 2013.

Source: Uploaded by user via Mimi on Pinterest

There have been mistakes and mishaps just as there has been good decisions and blessings. I take the good with the bad and I am ready for the new year. Sometime between now and the end of the week I will sit down with some of my old magazines…I mean old cause y’all know how I am about my beloved mailed publications and make me vision board. I have never done one so I am anxious to put those jumblings in my mind onto something visually creative to refer to during the year.

My major goals for the new year are:

To get moved into our new home

Seriously grow my blog

Start a new business ( it is in the workings…I’ll tell you in the new year)

Complete some major dental work that I have been putting off because I’m scared

Live in the moment and enjoy my life…This one trumps every.thang. EVERYTHANG!

I hope your end of the year is going well and your plans are well under the way so that you can hit the ground running. I have been scarce around these parts for the past few weeks and it is likely I will not be around to your blogs or on social media for the remainder of the year…lies.

I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you for stopping by here, interacting with me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For taking out the time to type in comments and show concern and love when its needed. I take none of these things for granted and you all are appreciated. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I will see you guys in the New Year!!


Separation Anxiety

I have come to the conclusion that there are two varieties of separation anxiety. There is one type that we know as a child and another one that we encounter as adults.

Most of us are familiar with the version in which we are attempting to sneak out of the door after we have left our child with a caretaker. Limiting the amount of leg hugging, crying and screaming is at the top of our priority list as we attempt to head on our way somewhere.

Then there is the one where we know we need to let go of some things in our lives and it is just down right hard. In this instance we are identical beings to that child that we left behind crying and screaming for us. We are tightly holding onto the leg of something in our past. Clinching for dear life not wanting it to leave us because it is familiar, it is what we know, it is people, places and things that have been an integral part of our lives for so long.

The issue with the adult scenario is sometimes we really do have to let go of old things to get where we are going. We have to come to the realization that some of those things are no longer good for us, or don’t have our best interest at heart.

I am facing this very issue right now. For some time I had a friend that I had a tugging on my heart that I needed to separate myself from. Not that said person was bad but that I was changing as a person and instead of embracing that change and adapting their friendship to me there were lots of questions and statements revolving around the fact that I had changed. Well, I was under the impression that the only constant in life is change so I wasn’t going to stay the same person to appease said person.

I knew the separation needed to occur but I didn’t know how to make it happen. I didn’t know how to approach it, I was just all mental and emotional about it but in the end I knew it had to be done and I prayed that God would make a way.

Ever heard the saying be careful what you pray for because you just might get it.. Yeah. That.

Source: via Mimi on Pinterest

Well last week I got it. I got my out and it fell in my lap. Said “friend” did something that was totally disrespectful in their own best interest, and proceeded to come at me with their sob story after we had discussed the action that was performed because this wasn’t the first time.

I am HURT! I have no shame in saying so.

I took this as a lesson to fully embrace change and know that people are indeed in our lives for seasons and reasons. No matter how hard the anxiety falls on us when we know its time to let go we have to fight through it and make those changes.

After I said my piece I felt just that…at PEACE. I am able to walk away knowing I was a great friend. I was loyal, loving and helpful. I lent a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I did that…AWL of it.

OH well. You win some, you lose some but in the end I kept true to myself and that’s all that matters.

Have you ever had to break ties with something, or someone? Do you need to?!!



Sometimes We Are Broken and Need to be Fixed

Source: via Mimi on Pinterest


I saw this posted on Pinterest the other day and with the likings of a reflex I hit repin under the premise that people need to learn to deal with us just the way we are, or kick rocks. For some reason I found myself still contemplating this quote nearly an hour later except at that time I likened it to something that the Mr. is always saying to me…

” You aren’t a real friend at times. You tell people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear”

Hmmm…He may be right, but let me explain. When it comes to folks and their lives, marriage, kids etc. my name is Bennett and I ain’t in it. I will listen, say a few unh huhs and keep it moving. People will do what they want to do and I am not in the mood to mess up a friendship with my opinion on an issue that has nothing to do with me.

We all know that one person who will talk your ears off about their problems you say your piece and they continue on with their foolery. That is 20 minutes of time, breath and sanity that you can’t regain. I refuse unless it is a safety issue.

On the other hand I see the Mr.’s point. When we sit back quietly and not in the least bit say girl it’s not them its you, we are in essence being a bad friend. If we don’t stand up and speak the truth and say friend, those 1,409 men that you have dated that all ran the other way, it wasn’t them it was you, we are slightly condoning their belief that nothing is wrong with them, it’s everybody else. If that is indeed the fact we are hurting them cause man number 1,410 and so on is going to do the same thing if they have an awful character flaw that needs to be exposed.

I can see how our silence really is a hindrance when people are really requesting our true feelings and thoughts on a situation. Our silence on an issue in response to someone who is really looking for an answer can easily be misconstrued as validation on their behalf. When in reality we are like girrrrlllll you can’t be serious but instead of saying that we go along with it or just say a trite unh huh and look for a way to get off the phone.

I would say the remedy to this is to tread lightly and edit your thoughts before unleashing the truth or at least YOUR truth on the matter. People will do with it what they will, but at least you will feel like you put in your say on the matter.

Now, I am a firm believer in the fact that if your opinion was not requested…please keep yo’ mouth shut it to yourself!!!

I have only been on this earth 33 years and I don’t have a ton of knowledge but I do know sometimes we are indeed broken and we do need to be fixed. True friends will know this and will help us get to a good place, the thing is we have to be open to it.

I’ll say it. I’m broken on many levels but I have those handy girls that will come to the rescue and help me fix it, but I am open to constructive criticism. Are you?! Will you hand it out if asked, or do you tend to tread lightly like me?