Weekend Wrap Up is being replaced this week because the majority of my weekend was spent nursing a very sick baby, entertaining my dad and getting this house ready for pictures.
Friday the baby had a very high fever so we rushed her to the emergency room at 2a, got no diagnosis and ended up having to take her to Urgent Care Sunday morning where she was diagnosed with Strep. So I functioned this weekend off of about 4 hours of sleep, some Ginger Ale and a prayer.
Other than that I feel like I haven’t been around these parts much. To be honest last week I seriously contemplated shutting this little blog down. Not because I don’t love you all, because I do but rather because I thought I was at a loss of words and things to talk about. After my bloggy BFF Trina talked me down off the cliff out of my slump I have decided to continue to blog here.
Source: kristanlynn.com via Mimi on Pinterest
I think I was starting to pressure myself to be THAT blog. While I know I have the capabilities to make it happen I have decided that I don’t want blogging to become a chore. I want it to remain something that I enjoy without being work. With that being said moving forward there will likely be a lot of silence in these parts in the coming months. Then there will likely be times of excessive chatter, it will all depend on my mood and where I am.
Right now I’m in a space where I don’t have much to say, I’m filtering through some things personally and I just haven’t felt like it. I hope y’all will still love me for it and hopefully I can continue growing this blog without being guilted into it.
I know I haven’t been commenting much on your blogs but I’ve been reading. Give me another week to get on the good foot and I’ll be back to normal!
Enough of that.
Hope all is well with you all. What’s been going on lately in your neck of the woods?