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Featured Living Organization

Pantry Makeover

I finally completed a project around here. It only took me a couple of months to do what should’ve taken a weekend, like this past one but that’s neither here nor there. If you haven’t noticed my kitchen has a million cabinets and at one point all of them were a hodge podge of expired food and misplaced items.

Now I have four cabinets on the far wall of my kitchen that I consider to be my pantry done….and it feels good. I started off the year saying every space in this house would be organized by year’s end and I intend to keep that promise so I guess I really need to get going. I know half of my battle is going to be making sure that every little item in this house has a home so that’s where I started with this pantry makeover.

Living Recipes

{Publix Viva Italia Days} Hunts “Classic” Skillet Lasagna + Giveaway

This article is sponsored by Viva Italia Days at Publix: Hunts Tomatoes, Progresso™ Brand Products, Kraft Parmesan Cheese, Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Breads, Betty Crocker™ Cookies

Y’all know I love a quick recipe. Italian food is a favorite of mine and let my husband tell it since he’s been “beasting” out in the gym he needs pasta so he was real close by as I was whipping this up…as in all in my face like when can we eat. He even put the garlic bread in the oven and stirred while I snapped photos.

I ventured out to Publix to grab a few key ingredients, not to mention the recipe I “tweaked” was right on the back of the Hunts tomato sauce can. For such a flavorful dish the ingredients were few and I substituted a few ingredients, mainly switching out the Italian sausage for turkey meat.

Living Vlog Weekend

{Weekend Vlog} – Road Trip. Orlando. Wedding

If you follow me on Instagram you already know we travelled to Orlando last weekend to celebrate with my SIL at her wedding. The wedding was beautiful and while I lived in the moment enjoying family, good times and semi warm weather I did manage to grab a few video clips.

I did a little shopping but most of all enjoyed getting away for a few days. My children are out of school for the week so we are laying low and taking it easy. I desperately need a break before I break down so I’ll take these few days to rest a bit and get geared up for next week!

Living Marriage

{ The Fabulous 5 } Top 5 Date Night In Ideas

Date nights are so necessary yet so elusive…for us at least. As much as we need to take the time to reconnect and enjoy one another without the kids, sometimes all of the pieces like a babysitter and something fun and cost effective doesn’t  always line up. To be completely honest, at times all of the cards line up but I’m just so tired that the idea of getting dressed up and leaving the house leaves me feeling like date night isn’t all that important…I know.

My husband and I vowed that in the new year at least once a month we would put our technology down and give one another our undivided attention for at least one evening a month. Here are 5 date night in ideas for those nights when the babysitter dips out on you or you just want to cuddle at home.