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Living Random

October Musings

Oh October. Already? This year is surely getting by. Seems like just a few short months ago we met, and now I’m staring you in the face again a year older not sure the wiser but certainly thankful to see you again.

Here is my October chalkboard artistry for the month. I need to clean it up a little but for the most part this is it. The children love it, it really and truly is the small things with little people.

Living Photography

{ The Lovely Everyday} A Week in Photos

I’ll wrap the weekend and the Outkast concert in another post but here are a few shots from my week when I remembered to pick up the camera. The weather was glorious as fall ushered itself in so we took a walk in the park. I played around with my macro lens did some laundry. Addison stacked some cups, went to the Outkast concert and a wedding. Nothing to call home about….except the Outkast concert. I’ll tell you all about it. Promise.

Until then.

Family Living

{The Lovely Everyday} First Soccer Practice

….because I forgot to get her legit soccer socks. She’ll be ready by Saturday. Who knew these knee high Doc McStuffins socks that she drug all around Ross  would come in handy.

Photography is a huge hobby of mine. I manage to capture photos for the blog but I haven’t really taken out the time any more to really learn and get better. I’ve been hurried and now that things are starting to slow down again I am longing for days where I go back to focusing on what really matters. What really matters is daily moments spent with my family and children, doing the things I like to do and being comfortable in this life that we are living.

Décor Living

Fall Front Porch Inspirations

Here it is the first day of the fall and I’m still baffled at what the rest of my porch is going to look like. I kind of like the full…read junky look but I always have to over think everything so I’ve only picked up a few additional pieces.