Last year I set a lofty goal to read 100 books, and then the C-word hit and I lost all of my reading mojo to never reclaim it. I finished out the year having read 37 books.
I could look at 37 as a far cry, a whole 63 books shy of my goal, instead I look at it like I read more books in a year that some people have read in forever, not to mention the time it took to dive into these stories was time spent doing something for myself, doing one of the things I love to do.

Around Christmas time, I dropped this sweatshirt on Unlikely Market as a great gift for readers. Well, it did exceptionally well, and I’ve decided to keep it around. You can grab yours HERE!

I read some pretty powerful books last year, narrowing down my top five was hard… but I can do hard things!
Below are my top five reads for 2020 (affiliate links included):
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