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Poly Blend Grout Renew

Grout Renew

Bye Dirty Grout + My Lofty DIY Laundry Room To Do List

For someone who loves a good Rehab Addict marathon, and gets anxious about trying DIY projects I have had a hard time seeing past that nasty grout in the laundry room. DIS.GUSTING.

I’m thinking did the people who lived here previously ever mop the floor. I’ve scrubbed, I’ve probably tried every clean grout solution I could find on Pinterest to later come to the conclusion that  below the filth  the actual grout color was dark to begin with.


Laundry Room Makeover

In an identical wrath of fury, as demonstrated previously regarding the burgundy wall in the kitchen.  Friday evening I set about getting this grout together.  On one of the many posts I have written complaining about the grout a few folks reached out to me and suggested I try something called Grout Renew that I had also seen on Young House Love. $11? Sign me up.

It worked. IT WORKED!!!!!

However, let me not let my overwhelming joy leave you in the dark. The process is long and tedious. See that toothbrush peeking out at the bottom. Yep, that is how you have to apply it to the grout and then meticulously follow behind with a wet cloth to remove the excess from the tile. It’ll be a minute before I finish but my goal is a few squares a day.

Per the bottle I was supposed to scrub the floor really good with some special cleaner that I purchased. After reading other reviews I decided the $12 I spent on that would be better placed somewhere else so I just swept and mopped the floor really good before starting.

Grout Renew


Grout Renew

So now that I am back on the ball of getting these little projects done around here, I thought I would do a little list like others I’ve seen around the blogosphere. Every time I COMPLETE a task I’ll cross it off. Somebody keep me motivated.

Finish renewing the grout

Hang art and drying rack on the wall

Clean out and paint both closets

Organize cleaned and painted closets

Clean out and organize cabinet under the sink

Deep clean and dust the baseboards

Touch up wall color and trim paint

Paint over Addison’s artwork on my cabinet drawer

Put drawer pulls on

Put flowers on sink

DIY or purchase a blind for the window

Attach wallpaper to open shelving

I just released the longest sigh ever but the journey of a thousand steps started with just one……… that how it goes?

I’ll update you on each item on this list once it is complete with a little sneak peek and hopefully before Christmas I’ll do a full reveal.

Has anyone seen that new show on HGTV called Fixer Upper? Loooooove that show. Maybe if I was doing less watching and more doing….nevermind.

What home improvement projects are you working on? Please feel free to send your well wishes in the comment section, I need them.

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