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Room Service Atlanta


Room Service Atlanta

I know some pretty awesome people…and I don’t say that in a bragging way because I’m sure your roster is filled with wonderful people but I am happy to say that I keep company with some truly remarkable, selfless, goal driven individuals.

One in particular just makes my heart smile at all that she has accomplished. I have mentioned Erika on my blog before but today I come to sing her praises and her work with Room Service Atlanta. Erika and Dayka are the founders of Room Service Atlanta, an Atlanta based organization that calls on local interior designers and brands to donate their time and resources in redecorating spaces within area locations that assist individuals in transitioning to a better life.

This year’s redesign recipient was United Methodist Children’s Home in Decatur, GA. On Thursday, the babies and I headed down to show our support at Room Service Atlanta’s 2012 wrap party at the very drool worthy Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams showroom in Buckhead.

It was really great mingling with the designers and sponsors who took part in the drastic transformation at the center. This is the kind of awesomeness that went down.

Photo retrieved from Annette Joseph blog : Photography by Christina Wedge Photography

I was blown away by the work that was done. Kudos to all of the wonderful interior designers who took out their time, donated their resources and expertise to provide such amazing spaces to deserving people.

My babies and I had a great time networking and meeting new people. I was reminded of how truly important it is to give back to our communities, and I will be in the trenches next year lending a little elbow grease