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s’Adonner Candle

Giveaway Sanity

Feel Good Friday Giveaway

It’s Friday and hopefully you can steal away for a few minutes to just indulge in something you enjoy and relax after a long week. Personally as a mother stealing away may involve a solo car ride or as one of my blog buddies says a good game of hide and seek where Mama is the one hiding in the closet!

Seriously, when its time to wind down and relax nothing really sets the mood like the flicker and faint scent that comes from a candle. I have gotten away from buying candles like I used to so I was thrilled when I was gifted a s’Adonner Orange Ginger soy candle for my birthday. The scent is light and relaxing. So while I can’t send you away to a spa or take your children for the day I can give you a candle that will help you relax your nerves or might I add kindle a flame with your boo thang!

S'Adonner candle

Giveaway will run for one week! Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway