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Summer Vacation

DIY Home Living Our Home School Summer

Summer Vacation Week 8

….sigh. Welp, I know I talked all that noise about being ready for the children to go back to school. While I’m still all #TeamBackToSchool, I just wish they could go back and the activities, homework, social calendars etc. would just hold off for a few more weeks.

We have exactly two weeks until the bell rings and I am running around here like crazy trying to get everything decluttered, painted and in some sort of order. My goal is to have the house done, or rather what I plan on having done completed by the end of this week so that next week I can chill.

This week we didn’t do much, we swam and shopped a little. The baby was in Florida so I think we all just chilled and enjoyed the silence. I went and got her on Friday and the turn up has been in full force ever since.

Speaking of shopping I came across some pretty awesome deals. I was in Michael’s going through their clearance and came across this baby.

The original price was $99. It was marked down by 70% to $30 and then I had an additional coupon for 25% off. I paid $23 for this yellow baby. Isn’t she pretty



Found myself in Walmart picking up some stuff for the Homework Space and came across this. Was minding my business looking at school supplies when the lady came over the PA system and said, ” All items on our clearance rack starting at 1:30 are half off the red sticker price.” *Glances at my watch* Oh, it’s 1:45 let me go see what I can see.

Saw this. Paid half off $55. Now to find me a saw horse so I can really be a certified DIYer. Husband is concerned about my eyes and fingers. Told him I got this.


Amazing we’ve been here nearly a year and are finally getting a move on getting the house together. I’m just about done with the hard part of the Homework Space. Now I’m just going around the house trying to repurpose what I can. I’ve found some shelving, a bookcase and a few other knick knacks that will be reworked. The room currently looks like this. I extended the chalk paint above the line that is there. You’ll see the final reveal in a few weeks.

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I finally decided on a color to paint Addison’s room and the Mr. got to work. He can have that one, besides I ‘m trying to get the Homework Space ready. Here is the before. Just awful



Disclaimer: This came with the house. My children know better than to write on any wall in here

Mister got up there, bless his heart and thoroughly dusted and wiped down the ledge. I’ll reveal it later this week but as I type this the black is gone and it already looks glorious in there. A hint…the trim didn’t go white.


Well that’s all I have. Nothing spectacular, but the normal. How was your week?

Family Life Summer

Summer Vacation Week 5


Halfway there.

Last week was rough. Being a WAHM with 3 kids in perpetual motion at all times amidst blaring televisions, rugs with sharpie stains and the background noise of constant bickering is enough to send any mother batty.

Last week I was close to it. Even grabbed the calendar and started crossing off  days advent calendar style. How appropriate as Christmas in July approaches. August 4th can’t come fast enough. They were at VBS for the first part of the day and I could just taste it.


Summer Vacation Week 4

Last week we laid really low.

We took a trip to the library

week 4 4

I got my hands on some Outkast tickets!! #ATLast

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Chilled out on the porch

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week 4 1

Friday I had the opportunity to sit on an awesome panel with Serena, Trina, Bernetta, Tameka and Charlene for the Haute Momma Haute Experience at the Baby Bash and Bling event that was in town this weekend. Had a great time!


Photo Courtesy of Tiffany M. Powell @ Powell Pics

On Saturday my AKA chapter had its annual picnic. Family, food and fun!


Sunday we hung out with the in laws. We played some game named Spoons. Apparently I wasn’t too good at it because I had to take 3 shots before the night was over.


How is your summer going? Anything spectacular happen last week?

Life Mama's Babies Summer Weekend

Summer Vacation Week I

Our first week of Summer Vacation is over.

I have created a weekly schedule that involves school work, library, etc. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are reserved for outings and field trips.

For the first week of break I decided to let them have free fun.

We spent lots of time outdoors, riding bikes, taking walks and hanging out.



Thursday I was given a Media Pass to visit Six Flags’ new waterpark, Hurricane Harbor. The kids had a ball, and so did I. I’ll blog more about that later in the week.

Six Flags over Georgia Hurrican Harbor

The rest of the week and weekend was low key. You know the normal, cleaning, grocery shopping…..and I got that accent wall done. Reveal to come this week!

How was your weekend? What do you have planned for your children this summer?