Family NaBloPoMo Parenting

To Have or Not To Have is the Question

Lil Mama left on Saturday evening and will be gone until Tuesday morning. I miss my baby, and although it has been really nice to have some time to myself at home, I can’t wait for her to come back. Tomorrow, Lil Man and I are going to head out to the city and visit the World of Coca Cola and Children’s Museum’s. He is looking forward to spending some time alone with me. It never really crossed my mind that he misses being the only child until he told me the other day. I now know I have to make a better effort at spending more one on one time with him.

Being a parent is so hard at times. I always want my babies to have the best of me and when he told me that he misses those times it made me feel bad that maybe as a mother I have neglected him in some way. I know I am being “drama queen” but that’s how it made me feel. I think we get so consumed some times in providing the basics for our children that we forget they could really careless about those things and would rather have us and our undivided attention. This is part of the reason why I struggle with having more children. I would love one more but honestly I don’t know if I could be fair and provide each with the level of attention that they would need. I don’t come from a large family, so I know some people have an argument regarding why a large family is suitable but for ME I don’t think its fair to have a house full of children if they can never get time alone with you..they need that time in their early years.

Also, having more children would further limit my time with the Mr. I got married and had children, I don’t think I would ever want to just become parents and married people in passing. Children require alot, and unfortunately they don’t stay sweet squishy babies for long, they grow up, talk back, want to borrow your car etc….I think people fall in love with the baby stage not realizing that as they grow they actually require your time and mental capacity. Parenting is such a huge task, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Some may say I overthink everything but somethings just can’t be left to chance and that’s how I feel about parenting.

Okay, enough of my ramblings!! How many children do you want to have? How did you come to that conclusion? Am I crazy?!!

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  • Reply
    Help! Mama Remote...
    November 22, 2010 at 12:53 am

    All you said is very true. My kids literally fight for our attention. I have 3 and I hope to be done. Don't think I can handle anymore.

  • Reply
    November 22, 2010 at 4:28 am

    I could have written your post. Granted I only have one child but I can imagine how hard it can be with more than one when it comes to giving each child their own individual attention time.

    Your babies are beautiful!!!!! 🙂

    -As for me… I only want the one child that I have right now LOL. If we were to have more kids it would just be one more and that would be it.

  • Reply
    K. Rock
    November 22, 2010 at 6:13 am

    Ok first thing. Your son looks just like you. Your kids are cuties.

    I have three and although I can't say that they were all *cough* planned, I am crazy about all of them and I can't imagine my life without them. When I had the first one, I didn't think I could love anymore but that was definitely proven wrong.

    But everybody gotta do what's best for them.

    P.S. Did you get my reply email? I don't want you trying to give my cake pops to someone else! 🙂

  • Reply
    Putting All the Ps in one POD!
    November 22, 2010 at 7:12 am

    I totally agree… My sweetie pies are 10 years apart and although that wasn't in the plan, it allowed me to have time with both. It is still very hard but I can tell you, two is plenty and having the best of both worlds is the best.. Enjoy your time with little man!

  • Reply
    November 22, 2010 at 10:42 am

    @K.Rock I emailed you back! You get an extra two cake pops for realizing he is my mini me!!

  • Reply
    November 22, 2010 at 11:26 am

    It's such a personal decision for everyone and I totally understand your feelings.

    The right thing for me??? ONE!!

    I'm an only child and always wanted to just have one of my own. We now have our son and I am definitely DONE. I have absolutely no desire to have anymore and hubby is just fine with that.

    I remember getting ALL of my parents EVERYTHING – love, time, affection, attention, and $$$$. *lol* And that's exactly what I want to give to my son.

  • Reply
    AO xoxxo
    November 22, 2010 at 1:30 pm

    I don't have children yet…but I want children more than anything! I do realize that kids take a lot of your time and energy, but they are totally worth it! Right now, in my life, I would be happy with just one!

    PS-your babies are precious!

  • Reply
    Rose's Daughter
    November 22, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    I waffle back and forth about this all the time. On the one hand, I can't even imagine EVER having to go through this stage of parenthood again with another baby. I don't want to. On the other hand, I would love to try for that girl. My husband is perfectly fine with only having one. So it's up to me. And since I'm getting old,(LOL) I have to decide soon.

  • Reply
    New York State of Mom
    November 23, 2010 at 8:50 am

    First let me say how ADORABLE your babies are!! OMG!! and I love their cheeks!
    Ok, I always dreamed of having 3 but I think I'd space them out by 3 years just because I worry about this too. In my latest experiment with Chunks I see that if I were to rush another baby in here there would be a major issue. I'm like you and think about everything that could ever happen in the future and I don't want to one day look up, the kids are grown and gone, and I'm just noticing I have a husband either.

  • Reply
    November 23, 2010 at 9:16 am

    I would love to have another child (need to get married first!). But I often wonder about how do parents with more than one child balance time/love, etc. I know it's not easy but it can be done. And yes, they grow up SO fast.

  • Reply
    Interior Intensive
    December 1, 2010 at 9:35 am

    !I'm good on having another child. I only have one. BUt I give her my everything and when I don't I feel like I'm the worst mom in the world so I couldn't imagine adding another one. My husband wants at least one more but I'm still on the fence about it. You're children are absolutely beautiful! I think you're great mom just being aware of all of this. When they grow older they'll think of all the great things you've done to make them feel special!

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