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Essence Festival

Girls Trip | Essence Festival

Where have I been? The real question is where haven’t I been. This has been one busy summer for the books. From traveling just about every weekend with Just for Me, to sneaking away to New Orleans for the Essence Festival,  I’ve barely had time to gather my thoughts.

Historically, I’ve always taken a hiatus from creating content here in the summer. Well seeing as how the school bell rings in a little over a week, summer is technically over and it’s time to get back on schedule.

So let’s catch up with my girls trip to the Essence Festival. If you follow me on Instagram and saw my stories you already know we had a ton of fun. I was a little leery about heading to New Orleans in the middle of summer, but to be honest the heat wasn’t that bad. I opted to wear my hair wrapped during the day because I was sure the relentless humidity wouldn’t let my bob be great. That decision really worked well because I didn’t have to worry at all with my hair.

The ride from Atlanta to New Orleans took about 7 hours. To be completely honest there are few things that can set off a girls trip like a good road trip.

Essence Festival

I know every mother isn’t about leaving their kids and heading out of town to decompress and let their hair down for a bit….but I am. Now that we have that out of the way. This mama had a ball.

New Orleans and the Essence Festival doesn’t owe me/us a thing.

Essence Festival

Essence Festival


Essence Festival

I am the biggest Erykah Badu fan. I was real hype to go to her concert until I saw the $250 price tag. I was like next time. Luckily we were able to find some last minute tickets for $100. Erykah Badu and Jill Scott on one stage? Yes please. I had a ball with my bestie.

Essence Festival

Initially I hadn’t planned to attend more than one concert. I’m cheap, and $500 on concert tickets wasn’t in the budget. Like the church folk say, “Favor ain’t fair” and there was truly a blessing with my name on it when the Vaseline brand slid into my DMs gifting me free tickets to the Mary J. concert.  Sometimes these little places on the internet are good for something! Since everyone else in my crew had already purchased a ticket to the concert, I asked Tiffini of Latched and Hooked to be my +1. We had a ball! I had no idea Mary J. was such an amazing performer.

Essence Festival

Other than that, we took it easy. Naps were had….cause….nearly 40. We roamed the streets of New Orleans dodging rain drops, catching trolleys, and Lyfts, eating good and enjoying one another.

There were three separate groups of us, at times we all came together and other times we went our separate ways. We were all celebrating the queen in the middle, because breast cancer didn’t win. Life is precious, we should always remember that.

Essence Festival

Essence Festival

Essence Festival

Essence Festival

Essence Festival

I even got a chance to catch up with some of my internet/IG friends.

I’ve been following Carla for  6 years. Seeing her was like connecting with a long lost sister. I’m SO glad I got a chance to hug on her neck! She’s an amazing writer, and well traveled I might add. Check her out on Rae La Soul

Essence Festival

Saw my IG buddy @Peonylova

Essence Festival

….and @effiespaper (she has a super cute line of stationery)

Essence Festival

There are far too many memories, photos and words to describe how much fun we had. This might be an indication tho.

Essence Festival

Simply put, self care is whatever you need it to be. Spending time with my friends has always been important to me and I’m thankful that I have no guilt about taking time to recharge.

Here are a few of my other girls trips:

Cherokee, North Carolina

Jekyll Island

Well, school is on the horizon and I’m readying myself for the hustle and bustle. I’m really glad I took the time to get away and just let loose. Now back to organizing and cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping, and chauffeuring and……

How’s your summer going? Are you planning for back to school yet?

Cherry Cobbler Wine

Summer Relaxation

This is a sponsored post in partnership with The Motherhood; samples of wine were provided by Oliver Winery.

My children have been shipped off to grandma’s house. They’ve been gone for about a week and won’t be returning for another two. My emotions are mixed, I miss them but I desperately need this time to decompress, spend time with my husband and enjoy some me time.

If you are keeping up with me on Instagram, you know I am traveling every weekend this summer. By the time I get home, I’m in desperate need of some wind-down time before embarking on a new week. When I got home yesterday, I made a beeline for the outdoor porch, with magazines I’ve been trying to read for months, a glass mason jar and my Cherry Cobbler wine in tow.

The humidity from a fresh evening rain, mixed in with the breeze from the overhead fan, along with my fave tunes helped me relax from a very busy weekend. The refreshing taste of tart cherries, with a hint of caramel and vanilla, make Cherry Cobbler wine the perfect carefree summer sipper. This summer season wine is perfect for an afternoon cookout or poolside gathering. No need to get fancy, ball jars or red cups will do. I’ll drink my dessert, thank you! No forks needed for this sweet treat, it’s meant for sharing with your favorite adult people.

Cherry Cobbler Wine

Cherry Cobbler wine is only available in stores for a limited time and will likely be purchased off all store shelves by July 4th. Once it’s gone, it’s gone until next year so don’t miss out! You can pick up a bottle in 21 states, or better yet grab your $10 Cherry Cobbler wine online here!

Cherry Cobbler Wine

How are you relaxing this summer? Anybody else sending their kids off for the summer?






Things to do in Memphis

One Night in Memphis

*taps the mic*

*blows the dust off*

It’s been a minute, I know. Life is good and busy, and I needed to take a step back to regroup. I think I have some structure again and I am looking forward to making this little corner of the web a priority again.

This summer I will be traveling to quite a few major cities with Just for Me and Walmart. I’m really enjoying the opportunity to travel to new cities, interact with different people, while getting the opportunity to work with a great brand. Last weekend Trina and I were in Memphis, TN. Trina is on the same tour, but she is working with Dr. Miracle’s so we get to travel together. I’d never been to Memphis, so I was looking forward to fitting in a few sites, bites and drinks.


Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

After visiting the Lorraine Motel we ventured over to Beale Street. It reminded me a lot of Bourbon street. Lots of music, characters and people watching.

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Capped off the weekend at Walmart, where I had the opportunity to meet some blog/IG friends! It’s always so good to actually meet folks in person.

Things to do in Memphis

Things to do in Memphis

Saturday, I’ll be in Colonial Heights, VA., and Laurel, MD on Sunday. If you are in the area, would love to meet you!

Also, I want to give a shoutout to the nice lady I met walking to Target a few weeks ago. I was looking a HOT mess and she was so nice. I won’t put your real name out here, but if you are reading this email me. Let’s have lunch!

Beauty Living

Creating Mommy and Me Moments

Thank you Ivory for sponsoring this conversation. All opinions are mine.

I once believed at some point I would get the hang of parenting. I’ve since learned that at every age there is something new to learn and my kids will continuously need me in a different capacity. Just when I think I’ve mastered a stage it ushers itself out and welcomes in a new challenge as if to say this is a lifelong game of chess and strategy.

Addison just turned eight and overnight she wants to do all things girly and spends so much time with me I often feel like we are attached at the hip.

….and let me say I am totally fine with this, it’s just trying to get her to understand boundaries when it comes to my things and makeup, and clothes and shoes and phone, and planners, and… pretty much everything.

I’ve unapologetically crafted major parts of my life around being available to my children. I have so many fond memories of moments spent with my mother, that I can’t help but work to recreate those mother/daughter moments for Addison and I. From time spent in the garden to evening bike rides, one of our favorite pastimes is spending time outdoors.

The gentle smell of our favorite Ivory body wash, envelops our evenings as we cuddle and have girl talk after a long day. Her favorite wash is Pear & Sandalwood and mine is Sweet Pea & Lily. She feels grown up using my body wash and I feel good knowing my favorite body wash is gentle enough for her sensitive skin. 

As the summer days spread out ahead of us, I’m looking forward to unplugging a bit and spending time with my family and creating epic mommy and me memories with my baby girl. Tradition is welcomed in our home, just as I remember the smell of Ivory soap in my home as a child, Addison will have those same memories tied to the time we spend together.