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The Weekend | Hello Fall Edition

September was rough. Intense to say the least and I am welcoming October with open arms that I hope will be clad in sweater material soon because I am completely and totally over the heat.

September worked every good nerve, I felt anxiety and uncertainty on everything having to do with my purpose.

To be a creative is exhausting.

It is always your creative, lofty and in my case dreamer behavior being reminded that life doesn’t always see the beautiful colors and the art in the unusual, it instead sees the black, the white, and the gray. It is that constant fight against life to not quell your spirit and forcefully push it into a box, cause if you let it you know you will feel suffocated and sad. As a result in an attempt to not let your dreams be packed in a box and tucked away to make place for “reality”  your mind is constantly working over time to see how your gifts can make money so that you can be fulfilled in all areas.

The. Struggle. Is. Real.

In a roundabout way that was my September. Praying, believing and putting into motion things that would allow life to make way for my gifts and understanding that it may not look like what I want but may manifest in a way that I need. I think I’m kinda, finally open to the unknown. I’m understanding there are things I can’t control and I’m letting go.

I’m letting go for an awesome end of the year and the ideal that my life is bound to be beautiful and I have control to create that beauty with the small things.

Fresh air does a body good. Saturday I grabbed my camera and the babies and we headed downtown to grab a few photos of Trina. That mere obligation on my calendar turned into an impromptu Saturday morning filled with laughter, and a plain old good time.

I think I forgot how much I missed my camera and the outlet that photography has provided me in the past.


Once Trina and I were done with her shoot, we ventured down Edgewood, taking in the scene, living in the moment, hanging out with one of the village aunties.

Village auntie B has the best house ever, with natural light to die for.


….and nail polish.

I took the rest of the weekend to rest my mind and my body. Quarter 4 is ahead, and if I plan to live this life I feel I am bound to live I have to put in work.

We all have to work to build a life we are proud of.

In all of it’s ugly there is beauty in life, lots of it. We have to work to find and nurture it. For me that means picking up my camera more and journaling here hoping that my images and words and honesty may encourage you to get out there and stretch a little, and love a little and live a lot.

Have a great week friends!




Date Night at Cirque du Soleil Luzia

It really shouldn’t be that hard to sneak away with your significant other. The truth of the matter is dating your spouse is very important but I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes the logistics of making it all happen exhausts me before one plan is made.

Last Tuesday my husband and I handed off the children for the evening and trekked downtown to see Cirque du Soleil Luzia, which is playing  under the yellow and white tent at Atlantic Station through November 19.

Cirque du soleil Luzia

Cirque du soleil Luzia

Cause I am an absolute cheap date.

We’ve seen quite a few Cirque du Soleil shows but this was the first that I’d seen that involved water. Set in Mexico, Cirque du Soleil Luzia really captured the captivating colors and sounds never disappointing with jaw dropping acrobatics and stunts.

Cirque du soleil Luzia

Cirque du soleil Luzia


Cirque du soleil Luzia

Complete with a Guiness World Record juggler and a contortionist that made me cringe at times, I am always in awe of the talented performers that travel with Cirque du Soleil. My mind wanders to, how did they even know they could do this and then I think about all of the time these performers give to their craft to be the very best at what they do.

We did attend during media night and were able to capture photos and video during the show. Here is a short video of the clips that I put together ( may take a few seconds to load) . These do the show no justice.

Cirque du Soleil Luzia will be in Atlanta through November 19 with showings Tuesday – Saturday at 8p. There are matinees available on Friday and Saturday at 4:30 and Sunday at 1:30 and 5p. Ticket prices start at $35. This particular show would be great for children as well.

I did receive press tickets for this showing. All opinions are mine.
distressed boyfriend jeans

Protect Your Peace

I’m resharing this post from last year. With the climate of our society I want to share a reminder that you don’t have to keep toxic people or relationships in your space. I don’t care what side you are on, this unrest can be unsettling and bothersome. We can’t control a lot of what is happening in the world but we can take care to find our peace when it seems buried in the unknown. Take care of yourself friends.

…and so that it is never misunderstood, while I respect people’s right to their opinions I stand proudly  in the light that shines on justice for ALL people.


As the slide to 40 has been greased up like the bottom of the sled Clark Griswald rode on in National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation I’m quite rapidly coming to an understanding that in a few short years all foolery and those that accompany it will not be welcomed into my space.

This morning after dropping the babies to school I came home and looked out the window and was in awe that nearly overnight the leaves on this tree turned a bright red and in the next moment I realized that in a few short days those beautiful leaves would shed to the ground to dry up and be blown away.


I ain’t really a deep person but in that moment I thought about my journey to my current place in life.

All of the tears and struggles and disagreements and letting go and holding on and fighting and pondering and reluctance and prayers and questions and no answers and……

I made it.

Through all of the bullsh*t, and loss and self searching I made it.

I found my peace. In finding it I quickly realized people will be skeptical, and they will be envious and they will find themselves wanting to be happy for you but they can’t.

Oh well.

Finding and protecting my peace was and is for me, always has been.  The journey was long but my stay in Peaceville will be forever more.

If you offer YOURSELF nothing else, please find your peaceful place, climb in it and guard it’s opening with all you have. Don’t be afraid to slam the door shut in folks face, let some folks in but don’t offer them the right to sit. We all have to deal with folks we would rather not let in our space but life says we have to, and then trust enough to open it and offer a seat for those that bless your life.

Like that tree we will all be vibrant and full of life and then we’ll dry up and blow away and then the rotating seasons of life will bring us back to life again.

Let grace and faith guide you when your peace is in jeopardy. Live and be free friends!

I ain’t deep tho.






10 Essentials for Throw on and Go Fall Style

On days when I just don’t feel like it, I always try at the very least to put on lipstick. Something about  lipstick makes me feel put together even if the sheer truth of the matter is I look a mess. See, I’m a firm believer that when you feel put together your day tends to follow the same trajectory and something as small as a good pair of leggings in lieu of the ones that you’ve been wearing around the house all week really do wonders for your mood.

Looking fancy at all times isn’t most people’s reality but comfort, affordability and function are. Looking put together doesn’t have to be hard if you keep 10 essentials on hand, that thrown on will instantly make you look and feel stylish. If you are going to wear sweatpants and tee shirts, spend a few extra dollars to purchase items that are flattering and work for you.

Stylishly transition to fall with these 10 essentials that will make you look put together with minimal effort.



Fall Fashion Essentials



  1. Floppy Hat | Nobody is immune from a bad hair day. Truly nothing that a cute hat can’t fix – Unlikely Market 
  2. Blanket Scarves | These are perfect for dressing up a mundane outfit – Unlikely Market 
  3. Nice Jeans | You pick the fit, boyfriend, skinny, wide leg, whatever. A good pair of jeans can fix a multitude of frumpies – H&M 
  4. Graphic Tees | These abound everywhere for good reason. Make a statement and be cute –  Lookface via Amazon 
  5. Jacket | You need a cute jacket. Find one that is cute and can be dressed up or down – H&M 
  6. Flats | Spend the money and get a good pair in a neutral color – DSW 
  7. Sweatpants | Somedays you just want to be comfortable – H&M 
  8. Statement Necklace | a cute pair of stud earrings and necklace go a long way – Unlikely Market
  9. Leggings | These are another item where if you spend a little more they last longer and feel so good – H&M
  10. Tennis Shoes | A cute pair is a must. Black is even better because they last longer and hide dirt – Puma

If you purchase a few of these items you can easily create a comfy capsule wardrobe that will keep you looking stylish on a whim.

This post contains affiliate links and items from my online store. Either way if you purchase I get a little love!