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DIY Living Organization

Cabinet Organization – Part I

I have 458,638 cabinets in my kitchen…well not really but close. I am ashamed but not really to be truthful with you and tell you that all of them are a H.A.M. All of them.

My pantry makeover kicked off operation kitchen organization and I am proud to report that nearly 2 months later the space is still very much neat and tidy. Ask anyone who has not bothered to put the bread back in it’s labeled basket about me. They’ll tell you I’ve become quite anal about that space. It is now time to move onto the other cabinets.

DIY Living

How To Remove Candle Wax and Re-Use Jars

If you are anything like me and let out an audible yelp when you see a Bath and Body Works 2 for $24 candle email in your inbox, then like me you may have tons of perfectly good glass jars laying around with old candle wax sitting in the bottom of them.

While you can grab a glass jar for as low as a $1 from the store, in the mindset of being environmentally conscious why not just reuse the ones you already have. I’ve tried a number of methods and finally came across one that is so simple and easy and gets the wax out within minutes and without a mess.

DIY Spray Paint Project
DIY Home Living

{Addison’s Room} A Little Spray Paint DIY Before & After

When I was pregnant with Addison or shortly after I had her one of my very best friends from college gifted me a name sign that she picked up at Marshalls. I knew eventually it would get a makeover and put up, just wasn’t sure when. I’m sure Keysha is glad to see that nearly 4 years after the fact this fab name sign has gotten a makeover and is hanging in Addison’s room! Better late than never

DIY Featured Home

{DIY} Framed Wrapping Paper Wall Art

A few years ago I was gifted some pictures from one of my mother’s friends that is really more like family. The pictures hung in the nursery of the furnished model home that she purchased. Since she had no need for the nursery she gifted us some of the furniture and these pictures. When Addison was a baby they fit perfectly but now that she is 4 going on 40 I figured there was no need for these $40 Z. Gallerie frames to go to waste.