I speak often about my treks to Tanger Outlet in Locust Grove to do some of that discount shopping that I do. One of the places that I frequent for shirts and pants for my son is P.S. from Aéropostale, a brand that caters to elementary school aged children.
P.S. from Aéropostale is currently running their second annual “What Makes You Smile T-shirt Contest” which is targeted towards children in grades 1-5. A winner will be selected from each grade. The top 100 finalists for each grade will be decided by public vote with the final winners being selected by P.S. experts.

The winners will have $1,000 donated to their school, and brand new P.S. t-shirts for their school’s entire student body. The winner will also receive a $500 P.S. from Aéropostale gift card and a quantity of their t-shirt design printed for distribution to their family and friends. In addition the winning designs will be featured on mannequins in P.S. windows during the month of March.
Winners will be announced in December with school presentations taking place in February and March.
Please visit pswhatmakesyousmile.com for entry form and template. Entries must be in by October 31, 2012. Voting will run from November 1-15, 2012.
As an added bonus I will be hosting an event at the P.S. from Aéropostale location at Tanger Outlet in Locust Grove this Thursday, October 25 from 4-6. If you are on the southside please come by and have your child complete their entry to get in the running!!!
Come check out P.S. from Aéropostale and me..Please?!!!
See ya there!