This post has been sponsored by Spectracide Brand. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Hands down, outside of getting my garden together, my favorite part of feeling spring in the air is the anticipation of my Hostas making their first appearance of the season.
Who knew nearly six years ago when I planted those eight tiny Hosta plants that I grabbed from a neighborhood store that they would year-after-year continue to blossom into the monstrous plants that they are now.
Growing up my dad was obsessed with his yard…he still is, so my beaming pride for my Hostas that basically grow themselves comes naturally!
The weather is getting warm and I’m starting to see the buds pop up so I needed to get outside and prepare for their arrival. They have earned the right to rise from their winter slumber into a neat and tidy bed!

Headed out to Lowe’s to get a little reinforcement. If you’ve ever tried pulling large, out-of-control weeds by hand, you will truly understand why heading to Lowe’s to pick up Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer2 with Accushot was at the top of my list. Leave it to Lowe’s to take home improvement to the next level. I went there for Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer2 with Accushot and left with that, and a few other things, along with lots of inspiration for my vegetable garden. Shop Now!

Came home and got to work. I especially love that this Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer has something called Accushot, that in a nut shell allowed me to spray the weeds while standing in an upright position.

Pulling weeds can be hard on the back and knees, so I was very thankful for this. I actually had fun. The nozzle also had a slider that allows it to spray the product further and dictate where it goes. This came in handy as I worked to spray around my Gardenia bushes.

Shop now! If you are looking for an easy to way to get rid of weeds in your bed this spring, Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer with Accushot is it!
Once I finished the main bed, I moved on to the others that flank the front of the house.

We have a lot of work to do, the weeds are slowly taking over, but not for long! I am so excited to see everything bloom, and now the flowers and not the weeds will be the star of the show, thanks to Lowes and Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer with Accushot!