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Zone Cleaning | How I Keep My House {Kinda} Clean

Had to throw the “kinda” in there because there are some days when surely it seems as if the Tazmanian Devil graced us with his presence bringing a hostess gift of clutter and destruction wrapped in foolishness.

Somewhere along this pursuit of living a peaceful and purposeful life I discovered as messy as my tendencies are, I thrive in a well organized space. It declutters my mind and gives me a calm that I hadn’t known before I became intentional about keeping our living space tidy.

I am messy by nature. Keeping our house clean comes with schedules and when we get off schedule things get out of hand and we end up having to take a full day to get everything back in order. This past Sunday was catch up day, I was thrilled that it had been nearly 3 months before there had to be a resident intervention with all hands on deck to get this place back in order.

The Zone Cleaning Method does a great job of keeping our house in order. I have integrated my cleaning schedule into the mix and when I stay on top of things and when I say I, I do mean policing other people to do their chores, my mind is in a state of organized euphoria.  When executed properly our house stays tidy in a way that we never have to do more than pick up things here and there and rarely have to clean on the weekend by design.

Zone cleaning specifically means giving certain areas of your house a day of its own to tidy. You can easily incorporate zone cleaning into your home with these simple tips

Start with a clean home: To be effective when implementing this you have to start with a fully clean house otherwise you’ll be working in circles and won’t see the benefit.

Pick one or two areas to clean a day: The kitchen seems to be in high demand so you will have to clean that daily but only deep clean it on it’s assigned day. For the assigned spaces, vacuum, wipe down mirrors and appliances, mop, do whatever it takes to get the space clean. At least once a month incorporate dusting, and the baseboards into the rotation for a deep clean.

Give yourself 30 minutes per area: Once you get in the hang of it and are diligent about putting things where they belong on a daily basis, it shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes to tidy the space once a week. Set a timer, put your phone down, find you some music and get to work.

Do laundry twice a week: I used to do laundry once a week and it was too much. I find two days makes the loads smaller and more manageable. I wash on Wednesdays and Sundays. If I miss folding on Sunday, I reserve it for Wednesday and then the next Sunday until we are digging out of the basket. This only happens sometimes.

Pick Things Up Daily: Somebody left their shoes in the living room? Call them to come and pick them up. Toothpaste residue was left on the counter? Yell for the culprit. I promise they will get tired of hearing your voice and start to do these small  tasks that if left untamed are the gateway to clutter and disarray. This rule goes for you too. Teamwork makes the tidy dream work.

Stick to the Script: I know there will be days where you will fall into the door, and feel lucky that you didn’t unleash your wrath on someone, however you really have to make a conscious effort to do your zones daily and be diligent about doubling up on the next day if the bed truly needed you at 6p on a Tuesday and your kids ate cereal for dinner. Things happen.

This is seriously a high level overview, you obviously know your space better than I do but these tips will hopefully get you thinking about how you can reclaim your time in the cleaning department and not live in clutter. Disorganized spaces are so mind draining, no matter how small or big your space there are options out there to start you on the journey to living a decluttered life, even if it means starting with the junk drawer in the kitchen…..just keep going.

What are some of your cleaning tips?


Cirque du Soleil Luzia Atlanta

Cirque du Soleil Luzia Atlanta Giveaway

Seeing a Cirque du Soleil performance is an experience like no other. From the colors, to the jaw dropping acrobatics to the music, Cirque du Soleil productions are not to be missed.

Cirque du Soleil’s newest production LUZIA is coming to Atlanta this fall and will be under The Grand Chapiteau at Atlantic Station from September 14 – November 19. Set in Set in Mexico, water is the main inspiration and back drop for this production that highlights where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirit and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul.

Experience water inside the big top, jaw dropping acts and larger than life props in this unique production unlike any show you have seen before.  You can purchase tickets now with a special 20% offer  before they sell out!

The discount offer is valid on select show dates and times while supplies last.  This offer may not be combined with other offers or applied to previously purchased tickets. Purchase your tickets here  before September 8 when the discount offer ends.

To learn more about LUZIA visit the website. To get a glimpse at the show take a peek on Youtube.


Cirque du Soleil Luzia Atlanta

Family obligations and full schedules often make it hard to sneak away for a date night or offer a free evening to spend with friends. I’m happy to offer my Atlanta audience the opportunity to win a family 4 pack of tickets for the Thursday, September 28 8pm showing of LUZIA. If you are in Atlanta and would love the chance to win tickets enter below! Giveaway will run until August 29. Share with a friend!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Living MOMing

girls night

The uncanny way women subconsciously add excuse maker to their list of duties is remarkable. I’m pretty sure it comes with the territory of donning the cape that is being a career woman and/or wife, mother, sister, friend, homemaker, cook, etc……………………………………………………………………………

We all know that one that will say she’ll be there with bells on and won’t….cause something or the other about kids and most frequently you will be notified at the last minute.

As a mother I totally get it. Most days I would really and truly like to stay in my home but as I strive to remind myself that before the whirlwind and blessings of life  labeled me a mother, wife and a plethora of  other grown up things I was a  person who spent years doing things that brought me joy and quite frankly I am still that girl that loves a good time, a good laugh until tears roll out of my eyes,  a ratchet beat, dressing up and a strong martini.

I owe it to myself to still find the time to do the things that once brought me joy all while making a home for my family. My family is indeed at the top of my priority list, however 2016 is the year that I attempt to bring in balance when it comes to spending time with my good friends.

The much needed balance that says my family can’t always be the reason why I can’t get out once in awhile to connect with my girlfriends. I have committed to spending at least one night out a month to catch up with my girls…in person.

Last night was our first night out. We went to the comedy club and because we are getting old we opted for the early show.

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We were in and out by 10 and when I was like are we really that old that we are heading home at 10? I got a resounding yes. *insert sad face emoji* Back to the burbs for me

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Spending time with people you love outside of your family is important in my eyes. I don’t care if you are gathered in a prayer circle, drinking tea, quilting, dancing till your feet hurt or having dinner in a quaint restaurant with your favorite girls, make it happen. If you have to plan weeks in advance, get permission from your husband or just get dressed and walk out the door the need  to connect with our friends is real and needed.

Yes, I know the whole I said yes but my bed is calling me just a few hours before call time struggle is real. Get up and GO!

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File Jan 31, 12 06 11 PM

Your kids, your husband, your S.O., the dog, the dishes, the laundry…..all of that will be there when you get back and you’ll be better for it.

When was the last time you spent time with your girls?


S E V E N Years in the Blog Game

Blogging started for me on August 10, 2010 with this very first post. Seven years have passed, seven years of me documenting Addison’s first Christmas, first days of school, changes in hairstyles, the very aggravating process of us building/selling/buying our current home and a bunch of other life stuff.  There are times when I’ve wanted to shut this place down, times when I find the insatiable desire to give it all of my creative energy and times of indifference and silence.

Two years ago, Unlikely Martha transitioned out of  Lipgloss and Binky as a natural progression in my life. I haven’t quite developed this space into the vision of excellence it presents itself  in my head, all masterpieces take time I tell myself as I make one small transition at a time. I am so thankful for those of you that have become my friends in real life, those that talk to me on social, share my posts and connect with me. Whether you have been here from the beginning or yesterday I am appreciative that you choose to come by here.

If you want to see the daily happenings in my life be sure to give me a follow on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat at @UnlikelyMartha

As I move forward into another year of blogging, I have learned that we have not because we ask not!  I would like to ask for  your help, if you see content here that you love or think might be useful to your community, a simple share to your FB page would help me grow this space and I would really appreciate it.

No blog anniversary is complete without a journey down memory lane. Here are a few of the major happenings and photo progressions from the last seven years!

First Blog Post

Addison’s First Christmas

First annual trip to the pumpkin patch

Adrian’s First Day of School

Addison’s First Day of School

Finally Closing on Our House