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New Week. New Opportunities

Blogging everyday has shown me that this space can be  a writing outlet for all of my feels.

If I may…….

This week was some bullsh*t and the election was just a part of it.

There is just too much going on over here between kids activities, running a business, a house,  being a good wife,  and planning for Thanksgiving,  I am wo’ the hell out.

Tomorrow is Monday, a new start. I’m going into the new week  with vigor and expectation that the week ahead is going to make up for last week and then some. I’m expecting great things and opportunities.

The thing about my personal growth journey is I can now look at weeks like this and know they happen but they don’t linger. They wreck havoc but peace is on the other side. Life isn’t easy and adulting/parenting can be extreme, but your mindset is what keeps you sane.

Here’s to a new week! I wish you all peace and encouragement to get through

I got this and you do to!

What’s on your to do list this week?




Holidays Living

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

How? How is Thanksgiving right at two weeks away. If you have the luxury of bringing the pie and offering to wash a dish or three afterward, it’s safe to assume you are in chill mode waiting on dressing.

I, on the other hand amlow key freaking out. I’m hosting again and housing family and have done nothing as of yet to prepare.

As luck would have it my stovetop went out. Being an adult can really suck. In addition to waiting on my ordered cooktop to arrive I have to:

  • Purchase new linens and towels
  • Make a grocery list and shop
  • Put up new shelving in kitchen
  • Paint dining room and possibly purchase a new dining room set
  • Reserve tables
  • Take inventory of serving dishes that I need and purchase them
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Pull out Christmas decorations
  • Making cooking schedule

As you can tell the next two weeks will be very busy. Wish me luck!

Are you hosting thanksgiving? If so are you ready?!


Life Happenings

Life goes on as it should, and while it will undoubtedly take a few days to digest the happenings over this election season I’m hoping in a few days I will be in a better mood. For now, writing in this space stretched my imagination far more than it should’ve and many times I contemplated shutting my computer and giving up on this whole blog everyday thing but then I determined I’m not a quitter so here I am!

I don’t have anything exceptionally profound or useful today, I’m sharing the easiest of easy things to write. The recent happenings in my life!

I haven’t done a random life post in a while, so here we go.

My Dad is moving here. Y’all, I’m 37.5 years old and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. My father currently lives in Las Vegas, he was great about coming to see us about twice a year but this new arrangement is going to be the bomb obvs. Him and my stepmother were here a few weeks ago for two weeks. In that time they managed to find a home, sign all of the paperwork and pick out the finishings that will go in their new home that is being built. Closing scheduled for January.


Again, Y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m officially a dance mom. As if dancing twice a week wasn’t enough Addi made it to the competition dance team and she is also cast in her ballet school’s Nutcracker performance. We are currently dancing 4 days a week and that is on top of my son’s activities. I’m tired.


I got a cast iron dutch oven. If anyone is a fan of The Pioneer Woman you know that a dutch oven is a key ingredient to good cooking. I specifically remember last Christmas holding up the line at JcPenney deciding whether to pay $60 for a dutch oven that was on sale. I decided against it and for nearly a year I’ve been peeking at them not ready to pull the trigger until I went to Aldi the other day. I saw one for $30.



I left with it and when I get the time I’m going to peruse Ree and Ina’s sites for all of the dutch oven recipes. Stay tuned, I’ll be sure to share.

The kids and I had a mini staycation and it was amazing. A few weeks ago my husband traveled out of town. That particular Saturday the kids had a total of 3 birthday parties and dance lessons. The last party was quite a distance from our home and it was late in the evening. We decided to spend the night at my BFF’s house in the city. We walked to dinner and slept in and walked to brunch and sat on the rooftop. That one night away from home trekking in the city refreshed me. Just goes to show sometimes all we need is a little change of scenery to hit the reset button.




I’m in a weird space. This election has drained me. I’m not really one to discuss political issues but like most people I’m just glad it’s over. I welcome everyone to vote for who they feel is the best but the hatred that has come of this is one I hope to never see again in my lifetime but I know better. I’m glad we know the outcome, and can govern ourselves accordingly. I’m hoping the joy of the holiday season can mask this hate for a least a little while. I think we all need a little joy, family and fun this season.


If you miss my vlogs I’m pretty regular on Snapchat with sharing our daily happenings. Follow me at UnlikelyMartha.

What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Are you ready for the holidays? Hosting family?

See you tomorrow…..cause NaBloPoMo



Living Uncategorized

Never Forget

There are a few things I don’t openly discuss. Those would be religion, politics, sex and salary. As it should be.

However, as I sit and watch the election results come in, while not surprised I am truly surprised at how close the race is. I don’t believe all Republicans are racist but the ugly that has seeped from the underbelly of this nation has me sad. Very sad.

While I have customarily given people the benefit of the doubt and respected their opinions and their right to vote on what is best for them, I’m sure it will be a very long time before I am able to not wonder if my neighbors and those that teach my kids and wave at me at my mailbox are undercover racists. I hate living like this but truth be told, I may not remember a name but I never forget a face, or a yard sign, or a hat. 


See you tomorrow…..cause NaBloPoMo