Well hey there
Last week, I took a breather of sorts. Laid low and worked on my game plan so Mimi sightings were scarce on the interwebs.
This past weekend was easy like Sunday morning. A kiddie birthday party, a trip to the Goodwill, some food on the grill and that was about as wild and crazy as it got over here.
I got a chance to catch up with a few awesome ladies that I went to college with at the birthday party. One of these beautiful young ladies is the National Press Secretary for the Democratic National Committee. #OBAMA2012…FAMU baby.
Now for some randomness…
Call me the Sgt. around these parts. I got that potty bootcamp jumping. Two weeks ago I sent out an APB on Twitter for tips on potty training and overwhelmingly people said they employed the bootcamp method. I was apprehensive…VERY. I decided to give it a try and wouldn’t you know this baby is pretty much potty trained. I put panties on her and we spent most of our time outdoors. She watered the concrete, the grass, her shoes, and her car..ick.

Should say Glitter and Go Pee Pee..That bleach commercial about the little boy using the potty and the look on the mother's face..yeah. that.
Two days later she started saying I pee pee on the pot and I would rush her to the pot and she would go. No more than one accident a day at this point.*blows horns* I’m not sure I’m ready to take her out without some reinforcement so I put some of those plastic panties over her regular ones but she will still tell me. Still in diapers at night. Need more detailed tips? Get at me.
Well that was long.
May 6-11 I will be in Miami taking a week long course to finally finish up my MBA program. I finished my coursework a year ago but I have to complete this class to get my degree and since I am on the hunt for an online teaching job I needed to get this done ASAP. I’m excited about my new possibilities and opportunities….and a week alone in Miami..on the beach.
Divinitee is doing well. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of you who read this blog and have supported. OMG. Everytime I see one of your orders in the inbox I want to cry. You all have been so tremendously supportive, more so than people I know in real life. I can never say thank you enough but to let you know that if you need anything please let me help. If I can’t, I’ll try my best to find someone in my circle who can. Real talk.
I have been shopping..ALOT. At thrift and consignment stores of course. Hopefully I can get a video up sometime this week. I’ve gotten some pretty amazing stuff for very few coins. I’ll make y’all some believers.
I guess that’s enough.
How was your weekend. What’s good in your hood or ‘burb?