
S E V E N Years in the Blog Game

Blogging started for me on August 10, 2010 with this very first post. Seven years have passed, seven years of me documenting Addison’s first Christmas, first days of school, changes in hairstyles, the very aggravating process of us building/selling/buying our current home and a bunch of other life stuff.  There are times when I’ve wanted to shut this place down, times when I find the insatiable desire to give it all of my creative energy and times of indifference and silence.

Two years ago, Unlikely Martha transitioned out of  Lipgloss and Binky as a natural progression in my life. I haven’t quite developed this space into the vision of excellence it presents itself  in my head, all masterpieces take time I tell myself as I make one small transition at a time. I am so thankful for those of you that have become my friends in real life, those that talk to me on social, share my posts and connect with me. Whether you have been here from the beginning or yesterday I am appreciative that you choose to come by here.

If you want to see the daily happenings in my life be sure to give me a follow on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat at @UnlikelyMartha

As I move forward into another year of blogging, I have learned that we have not because we ask not!  I would like to ask for  your help, if you see content here that you love or think might be useful to your community, a simple share to your FB page would help me grow this space and I would really appreciate it.

No blog anniversary is complete without a journey down memory lane. Here are a few of the major happenings and photo progressions from the last seven years!

First Blog Post

Addison’s First Christmas

First annual trip to the pumpkin patch

Adrian’s First Day of School

Addison’s First Day of School

Finally Closing on Our House



  • Reply
    August 12, 2017 at 7:47 am

    Congrats on 7 years! If it wasn’t for this space we wouldn’t have met.

  • Reply
    August 12, 2017 at 11:46 am

    Congrats on 7 years!! It’s been a long journey for the both of us. Glad we are working this space together.

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