I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Just For Me. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
Growing up as an only child you learn to occupy your time in the most creative ways. I spent a ton of time as a child braiding and combing my doll’s hair. When I had Addison, I couldn’t wait for her hair to grow long enough so that I could cornrow it and give her all of those styles I mastered some 20 years before sitting on the floor cracking my doll’s head with the comb because she wouldn’t sit still…..not that my mother did that to me.
Fast forward to now and I’m not ashamed to say I loathe wash day. Since school has started and she is active at least 3 times a week not including recess and gym, her hair needs to be washed weekly and I’m just 3 weeks in and I’m already tired. The main issue with her hair besides the fact that she has a ton of it, is it tangles so bad and is extremely dry.
I try to keep heat off of her hair as much as possible and use protective styles but on days like this past Sunday or when I am pressed for time I like to use the tension and finger combing blow dry method to knock the water off of it and make it a little more manageable for ponytails.
This week I used the Just for Me Hair Milk line that boasts of its ability to make hair more manageable and easy to comb before, during and after the wash phase. The entire line consists of:
Pre-Wash Detangling Conditioner: I slathered, and when I say slathered….I SLATHERED it on her hair and ran my fingers through it. Think of this as a pre poo. It smelled great and I noticed her hair was much softer after letting it sit for about 5 minutes.
Not sure she was convinced just yet

Moistursoft Sulfate Free Cleanser: I rinsed out the pre wash with cool water and then applied the shampoo. To be sulfate free it lathered quickly. I felt like I got a good foam the first time so I only washed once.
Silkening Conditioner: Following the shampoo, I used the conditioner. The conditioner has oils and proteins to keep hair hydrated. I put this on and put a conditioning cap on her hair for about 20 minutes. When I rinsed this out I was able to finger comb through her hair without incident. Was pretty hype about that.
Hydrate and Protect Leave in Conditioner: Next I added on this conditioner. I was wondering if this additional leave in was needed but I did it anyway and I’m glad I did. Made of shea butter, honey and soymilk this conditioner is ultra moisturizing. Her hair looked so healthy and shiny after I put it on. Initially it was white but soaked in after I finger detangled it.
Leave in Detangler: This leave in detangler was everything. I misted on each separate piece as I finger detangled and then twisted the hair up section by section. Amazing, I promise I’ve never seen her hair comb through so easy post wash. Her hair was ultra shiny and healthy looking.

I took the #5FingerChallenge, meaning I only used my fingers to detangle while I blow dried and I had great results. Here is a quick video to show you just how well this detangled her hair allowing me to finger detangle.
…and because she had a case of the Mondays

If you want to take the #5FingerChallenge you can find the Just for Me products at your local Walmart for SRP $5.49. To learn more about the products in this line be sure to check out Just for Me via the Web, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube