Monthly Archives

November 2011

Me NaBloPoMo

What Was I Doing Again?

So I’m in that space again. That space that has me pondering my purpose in life. I have written often  about my desires to own my own business. To be more to my family than a wife and a mother. Yet, I still have failed to succeed at this.

I have so many good ideas, yet my execution skills leave a ton to be desired. I’m easily discouraged and my fear of failure leaves me standing still. I truly believe it is better to try something than to let fear keep you planted on safe terrain. Too bad some parts of me didn’t get the memo.

I don’t beat myself up about it. I am a true believer in timing is everything. Yet, these days my judgement is a little clouded over whether or not my time hasn’t come or if my fear is actually holding me back.

Holding me back from what I don’t know. I start things, I don’t finish them. It’s November and sadly I have completed none of the things I set out to do this year. Again, I’m not beating myself up I just want to get to the point of finding one thing that I am good at AND enjoy and putting my all into it. I wish I knew what it was.

Have you found your purpose? Are you pursuing it or are you like me, notorious for starting a million things with good intentions and following through with none of them.

You know me..right? What do you think I would be good at?!!!


Jumping on the Bandwagon

So by now if you are a blogger I am sure you have come across the term NaBloPoMo. For those who have never heard of the term. It simply stands for National Blog Posting Month.

NaBloPoMo 2011

The criteria requires you to blog EVERY day for the entire month of November…yes, that includes weekends. Since I am always up to a good challenge I am going to try my hand at this again. Last year I did well until I fell asleep and forgot to post one night  within the last week.

This year, I’m rocking it.

Please continue to follow me. I am sure this month will show you a side of me that has yet to be revealed…maybe. There are often things and issues that I would like to bring here, but when I don’t find the time I often forget and blog about what is ever on my mind when I find my way to the computer. Well since I have to blog everyday you will get the total randomness that is me. I’m sorry.

Are you participating?