Happy Friday!
Y’all know I don’t normally participate in that many link ups but when Ask Away Friday was brought to me by Brittnei I though why not. I love reading other posts like these and for some reason I love to answer questions about myself so I am giving this a whirl. Not to mention it’s NaBloPoMo and this is easy and fun content.
My partner is Brittnei. I had to swap questions with her so make sure to head over to her blog to get her answers to my Ask Away Friday questions. If you want to link up head over The Real Housewife of Caroline County to join in the fun.
1) Why do you blog?
I blog for fun mostly. I love the community that I have built over the years and I truly feel that I have found life long friends through this medium. Blogging gives me an outlet to express myself, create memories and hopefully inspire others through my everyday life. Not that I’m all inspirational or anything but more or less we witness to others by our testimonies and life’s challenges. I think I’ve shared enough here to be a help to at least one person, because I have surely been encouraged by reading other people’s blogs.
2) I saw on your blog that you were doing a landscape makeover? Does everything look exactly how you want it to look or are there still some changes that need to be made? If you love it now, feel free to show us a picture!
I do love it for the feel that it gave the front of the house. In another sense I think it is a bit bare but I know it will fill in after time. Once the spring arrives and things start to bloom I’ll evaluate whether or not a few more bushes need to be added. Now I want to paint the door and the shutters…we’ll get to that eventually.

3) How is the bathroom going? I also saw that there was a start to a renovation there. (Excuse my interest in these two places! I love design and decor…ahhem…HGTV lover over here lol)
I don’t want to talk about it! We had an issue with the contractor and a water pipe and spraying water. So yeah. Right now that project is on hold and my bathroom has a wheelbarrow in it that I have to climb over whenever I need to get in my closet. *throws things*
4) What is your favorite and least favorite thing about blogging?
Community hands down is my favorite part of blogging. My least favorite would have to be the clicks. I understand that naturally everyone will click up based on their interests but I can’t stand when people refuse to go out of their click to support other bloggers. I find it terribly disturbing that there seems to be a color line as well. I don’t have nearly as many white readers as blacks considering that I read a plethora of blogs by women of all colors who blog about the same things I do but yet and still… I suppose we have nothing in common *smirks*
5) What are your blogging goals? Perhaps you’ve reached them already. Are you where you want to be with your blog right now?
I want my blog to grow organically. I don’t really seek blog readers like I should because I want them to come here because they wanted to not because they were forced. I am thinking I may need to put a little more effort into marketing my little piece of real estate here on the interwebs. I think my blog has had some amazing opportunities but there could be more if I put more effort into it. Overall I am proud of my blog because it’s purpose is to share my rants and raves. Everything else is extra.
6) Favorite social media site?
I love Facebook. Twitter used to be my favorite but I find Facebook more engaging especially when I have a lot to say!
7) Favorite location to blog?
In a chair by my fire place. My favorite locations vary. I normally blog within my home. I am looking forward to finishing our office space so that I can have a dedicated area. I don’t know when that will happen!
8) I love this question from my Blogger BFF Mrs. Tee: Coffee or Tea?
Both! Funny I am drinking tea now but from time to time I get a craving for coffee. Technically I suppose the answer should be tea because I have lots of tea bags and no coffee maker.
9) I love your Twitter and About Me photo. My sort of style from top to bottom. What’s your haircare process?
I am natural but I love my hair straight. Being natural isn’t a soul searching epiphany for me. I just didn’t want to perm anymore so I have no qualms with straightening my hair. I take horrible care of my hair, I usually just go to the hair stylist. I maintain by wrapping at night. I only put heat on it once a month.
10) How would you describe your style?
I’ve been told I dress like an old woman. I love classic and functional looks. I don’t like a whole lot of trendy items. Give me a good oxford, a cardigan, a scarf, a good jean and a stiletto and I’m good. I’ll mix and match those pieces and add accessories. For the items I don’t thrift I spend good money on. I would rather build my wardrobe with quality pieces than every trendy item to hit the scene. I have a few trendy items but I normally grab them from Target or Marshalls. Oh…and I love my Uggs!
November 8, 2013 at 8:41 amI am so glad to read your answer to number 5. I feel that same way. I want my blog and social media following to grow organically. Sometimes I get caught up in not having the best numbers but I know it will take time. I can’t believe there is a wheel barrow in your bathroom. And you answer to number 4 is also dead on. Dead. On.
November 11, 2013 at 7:26 amIt will take time. I used to be watching my numbers daily and it started to stress me a little. I can’t deal with that. I just need to do what I love that way I don’t feel the pressure. If they people want to come they will. I just want to be me and not be concerned with writing what I think everyone wants to see or hear.
Candace (NYStateofMoM)
November 8, 2013 at 9:01 amYes I’m a classics girl Icant get caught up with all the 3 month trends (high low) a cardigan, little black dress, statement necklace I’m GOOD
November 11, 2013 at 7:27 amThat’s it. Mix or match them bad boys until you can’t no more and with them being classics I feel like people will never know if you wore that item of clothing last week.
Marie Young
November 8, 2013 at 11:38 amI love the new landscaping. I love when things don’t look cluttered…even outside!
November 11, 2013 at 7:27 amYes! The cluttered feeling just takes over my brain. I can’t function. The front of the house was just making me really upset so we had to move sooner than later. The back is still a mess but we’ll deal with that in the spring.
November 8, 2013 at 12:13 pmAw Mimi! I’m so glad we swapped questions! It was so awesome getting to know you better! I really hope the bathroom gets to where you all want it. The front yard looks beautiful! I was surprised to hear your insight about having more colored readers as opposed to white readers. I actually have a lot of both. I’m a social butterfly though so that could be it. I’ve met so many great women in the blog world of all colors. I’m sure you will meet more in Ask Away Friday and like you said from connecting and networking with more people.
I’m still loving Twitter. Facebook is ok, but I probably need to do more on my fan page. (I just haven’t gotten into it much lol)
You have great goals for your blog. I think you will definitely get there! 🙂
I am natural too. The only difference is I do my own hair. 🙂 We have similar styles. I loved your explanantion of it because that’s me 100%!
November 11, 2013 at 7:30 amI’m glad you don’t have to see the color issue. I think it is because the kind of blog you have. Most of the bloggers that I know that do more of their everyday life type of blogging agree with me. That will never stop me from going out and commenting and reading other blogs, it’s just a recognizable problem. Many agree with me on that. I’m sure other non African American bloggers may feel the same way! I think it is something that needs to be said and maybe we all will be more supportive of one another!
I love participating, thank you for dragging me out of my comfort zone. I’ve found some amazing new blogs. I suppose I’ll link up again next week!
Lanaya | Raising Reagan
November 8, 2013 at 1:06 pmYou are a true beauty… I love your style. Brittnei dragged me into this series eight weeks ago and I love her for it. I have met some amazing bloggers through this process. Good luck on the home makeover. I just recently moved so I got to encounter all kinds of changes myself.
I am bi-racial — my Dad looks like Denzel Washington and my mother is white so I have the natural, very curly hair going on. I’ve straightened it a few times but the second the humidity gets to it, insta-curl! LOL
Loved getting to know about you.
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
November 11, 2013 at 7:31 amGirl! Drag is the right word. I am so not a link up person but I think I will add this one in because like you said I have come across some new blogs in the process.
November 8, 2013 at 1:10 pmOh my word your house is beautiful!!
I’m glad I was able to learn more about you this Friday– I hope you will return to the linkup.
November 11, 2013 at 7:45 amThank you. I think I will return to the link up!
November 8, 2013 at 2:18 pmI love your blog…and reading post like these! Your house is beautiful! I’ve been through a bathroom renovation…**sending hugs**
November 8, 2013 at 3:50 pmHi Mimi! Welcome to #AskAwayFriday! It was great getting to know a bit about you through Brittnei’s questions. I love you landscape make over…it looks so open and inviting. We just did a bit of changes to ours as well and we took a lot of our trees and bushes down too. Your right it does take a bit of getting used to but I’m finding I like it 🙂
I love your answer about your hair. I went natural almost 3 years ago and it wasn’t and great epiphany for me either. I simply didn’t want to process my hair anymore. I too prefer it straight and also rather take a trip to the salon than attack it myself. Wraps are my best friends! 🙂
November 11, 2013 at 7:50 amHi! Yes, I would much rather hit the salon. The process of straightening my hair is long and tedious. When I have no choice I will but I would really rather not!
I’m sure taking those trees and bushes did a lot for you to. I am slowly loving the less cluttered look but it took some time. I can’t wait until the new plants grow in.
November 8, 2013 at 9:59 pmGreat getting to know you more! I added you on twitter, I’m Iowamommy04, hope to chat with you on there soon! 🙂
November 11, 2013 at 7:56 amFollowing you back! Can’t wait to connect.
November 8, 2013 at 10:12 pmGreat interview! I agree with you on #4 (I thought it was just me that noticed that) and #5. I would like by blog to grow organically too (although these days it really has no choice).
November 9, 2013 at 9:53 amOh my to the bathroom. Praying that gets done soon. I am not a fan of Facebook I think it’s the one area where I just don’t truly connect with anyone. Love that twitter but instagram is slowly growing on me.
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
November 9, 2013 at 9:10 pmI wish I only had to put heat on my hair once a month to keep it straight. My max is three weeks which means some months I have to put heat on it twice. And if it’s a rainy month three times.
Here’s to hoping you get that wheelbarrow out of the middle of your bathroom soon. It’s so hard to find good help sometimes.
November 10, 2013 at 11:40 amHey Mimi! I like the changes you’ve done here! I have grown to LOVE Facebook all over again. It is by far for me the most engaging with regular readers (non bloggers)!
Baby Teems
November 10, 2013 at 9:11 pmPainting the shutters and door would me nice. If we are talking about numbers mine aren’t nothing to mention. Every time I want to quit, I get encourage to stay. It’s strange. I don’t write for numbers but for the amount of time that I spend doing this, I would like to see more opportunities to generate income. I am just not willing to do what most do. I need to write about what I want instead of every post being prompted for money. And there is a color line. I really hate that. Why does it have to be that way?
Wendy May
November 10, 2013 at 10:36 pmWow, so sorry for the bathroom experience! Hopefully that gets fixed to your dreams quickly. I go up and down on my blog with how I want it to be. At times I get upset my numbers are low, then think, ‘wait, I’m doing this for fun, not a job’. So, although I’d like to generate some spending money as well, I don’t push my jewelry or anything as I should. Some day, I’ll slowly get there.
November 11, 2013 at 8:14 amSame here. It will come in waves where I want to be this huge blogger. Then there are times when I am like oh this is just for fun, no big deal. I want some spending money too! Sometimes this blog will come through in a mighty way in generating income and then its dead. I need to work on getting something steadily instead of sporadically. Thanks for stopping by!
Wendy May
November 12, 2013 at 12:34 pmTwo peas in a pod, you & me! When I feel stressed about blogging, I say to myself, ‘it’s just for fun, you don’t have to blog today’. Then I usually relax about it all.
Stacey Gannett
November 11, 2013 at 1:28 pmNew follower, following on Twitter, FB, G+, & Pinterest! LOL! 😉 I am so thrilled to have found you through Ask Away Friday! I love your answers, they are amazing! I can totally get the whole bathroom remodel nightmare, went without one for 6 weeks, thank goodness my mom lived about 3 minutes away! But boy oh boy what a nightmare! I am so with the functional look, though I am really not all that fashionable. LOL! I am excited to get to know you through Ask Away Friday! Have an amazing week!
November 12, 2013 at 8:24 pmI will take your 6 weeks. I think I am going on 8 with no relief in sight. All of us sharing one bathroom is getting old! Glad to “meet you” Headed to follow you back. Thank you for stopping by!
December 3, 2013 at 4:41 pmThank you for reminding me not to get pressured with blogging because that’s exactly how I want my blog to be – natural and fun. Sometimes I get pressured with the numbers too and then realize that it’s not the main reason of my passion to write and blog. 🙂
Nice to know you from here Mimi!