Well you know there isn’t much that can hold me down…not even a bad report on my cholesterol. I keeps it moving. So now that I know there is an issue on to the solution.
I am going to start running. Just.like.that.
0:00-0:42 in the video is about how my decision to start running went down in my head
In high school I ran track and spent some time on the cross country team. I remember having a certain love for running and would look forward to practice and the freedom that I felt with my ear phones on and the wind in my face. My love affair with running ended for the dumbest of all reasons. I didn’t want to mess up my hair.
Well, in light of recent events I have decided that I will more than likely be committed to something I enjoy. I hate the gym, I always feel like somebody’s watching me, so that’s out of the question. So running it is. I am on the hunt for a good jogging stroller and new running shoes. I am signing up to run a popular marathon held in Atlanta each year on July 4th, known as the Peachtree Road Race. I have no choice, I have to do this. For me, and for my family. That’s all the motivation I need.
I’m excited!
Can anybody recommend a good stroller and running shoes. How do I start off building up my endurance. I know I have some runners reading…give up the tips in the name of low cholesterol.
Have a good weekend!