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Me Organization

Mimi’s World

Let me first say, thank you for all of the love on the It’s Time post. The comments were inspiring and let me know that I’m not alone on the pursuit to personal goal attainment and entrepreneurship. I really appreciate it.

They say when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Well over here failure is not an option, but completing the tasks on my to do list are. Here’s to a new week and completing everything I set out to do. I figured I would share some of my tasks with you to hold me accountable. I would hate for you all to see what a slacker I can be!!
1. Remember the post here? Well that has been nearly a month ago and sadly I have yet to clean out my car and as life would have it, the inside looks much worse than it did before (I’ll spare you the agony of looking at updated pics). This week, I plan on cleaning it out and having it detailed.
2. The Mr. and I are headed to the mountains for an annual couples retreat the first weekend in November. Being that I am nursing I have to pump a whopping 110 ounces of milk for lil mama before I go. I am a little less than halfway to my goal. I have 59 ounces to go. Here’s to pumping 42 ounces this week :-/
3. Soooo…with the pumping comes the challenge of increasing my liquid intake…no less than 4L of water per day 🙁
4. Finalize production arrangements for the shirts, hopefully have the website up and running by next week
5. Fold ALL of the clothes this week
6. Finish my fall mantle…speaking of, I found this great vase at Ross for the “low low”

$6.99…Can’t beat that!

How was your weekend? Did you come across any awesome and most of all CHEAP finds?!! What do you have planned this week…I’m nosey, I wanna know!!

It’s Time!!!

Over at Shaken Not Blurred, I was reading her awesome story regarding leaving the rat race behind in pursuit of true happiness. Lately, I had been having fleeting thoughts of putting my baby in daycare and returning to work..just for the paycheck. After reading her post the other day, I fell back in love with the idea of being home and chasing after my dreams. Exactly one year ago today I left ummm I think hauled tail would be a better description to describe the sentiments I felt regarding leaving my comfy corporate position for dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. I was so over the 4 hour commutes, the meetings, the travel, conference calls, blackberry dings..I needed to get away. I was in a weird space, I had just lost my mother and it almost felt like the world was caving in on me. I needed to take some time to grieve and I am so blessed that financially with some huge sacrifices and budget adherence tactics we were in a positon to allow me to take some much needed time away to reflect on where I, independent of wife and mother status wanted and needed to go. Something had to give and with a few months of preparation and a whole lot of faith, I put in my notice and walked away from a steady paycheck and walked into a world of uncertainty…and I haven’t looked back.

I had plans, huge plans to grow my side business into my full time hustle once I was home for good. As God and life would have it, as soon as my at home stint began I found out I was expecting and some of us know the havoc the first trimester of pregnancy can wreck on the most resilient of  women. So my plans were ditched and my job description became keeping my eyes open and my food down. My business was put to the side, and has been until now. Being a stay at home mom has never been my dream (disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with that..its just not me), I want to be a mompreneur, a mogul, I want to empower young girls and show them they to can own businesses. With one class left until my MBA I have a passion for business and what it entails, I just need to do it on my own terms, God willing. As I visit more blogs I see the enormous amount of women who manage to stay home with their children while pursuing their dreams and I want to be one of them.

Cropped Back

I have begun dusting off my blueprint and I am restarting the process of transforming its images into an actual structure. My awesome besties have become my contractors in helping me build up the confidence and gathering the needed materials to resume my journey toward mompreneurship. I am lucky to be surrounded by a number of women who own their own businesses and stand as inspiration for me. The next few weeks I will highlight these awesome ladies in my life along with the steps and obstacles they are overcoming in building their businesses and brands.

I am very prayerful these days regarding my next steps, I am digging deep for the discipline I am going to need but so excited for progress. I may use you all as a sounding board from time to time (thanks in advance)!!! Stay tuned, you know I am going to keep you all in the loop..I love y’ cyber, blogosphere family!!

What are your dreams? Are you working toward them, if not what’s holding you back!! Business owners out there…got any advice, I’m soliciting for tips and words of wisdom!!

Me My Babies

Fave Photos Friday

Add to my long term to do list, scrapbooking. I am in the process of putting my photos into books and I came across some of my favorites so I thought I would share..Have a great weekend!!

Letting balloons go in my mommy’s honor at my baby shower

Yours Truly at the Alamo

Lil Man and I
Sandwhich Thief

Lil Mama’s feet

No..we were not trying out for the Dave Chappelle show!! Mary Kay party!!

Inauguration…yes we were far back but we heard everything!

Candy Cane Bandit

Mommy’s Ninja


My Babies!!!

Memories!! Life is so precious. What are you doing this weekend? See you Monday!