I feel like this post will be like that moment when you finally sit down to have drinks and dinner with your girl after a long hiatus of not speaking regularly.
*waits for you to order your food and drink*
Giiiiirl. Things have been crazy to say the least.
So, the baby is slowly entering the treacherous threes and refuses to wear anything but a frilly dress or tutu without a major melt down
My blood pressure was spiraling out of control so I finally decided to lace my running shoes back up and within just two weeks my blood pressure is averaging 120/88. Still need to work on the bottom number but at least I got started. I’ve been drinking a ton of water and wouldn’t you know these old creaky knees haven’t been bothering me at all. Water really is a nasty cure all. I have been reminded that I truly love running and it feels good to be back on the pavement…now to stay there. A half marathon is on my bucket list so I am training for the Thanksgiving Day half marathon. I should be ready by then. In the meantime I plan to run a few 5K and 10K races to keep me motivated.

…or a dog is chasing you! This is my motto as I’m striving for a 10 min mile
Well, they cancelled the contract on the home we were building and instead of waiting on the paperwork we needed to reinstate it we decided to continue looking for a new home and we came up on our dream home. Like the home I always envisioned. Before we were slightly settling but moving into this home would make me feel like I settled for nothing and that all the past drama was just leading us to the perfect home. We put in a contract today. We have to wait until Wednesday at the latest to see if it is accepted. There is a little bit of drama with it as we don’t think it will appraise for the selling price, so we attached a love letter to hopefully encourage them to honor the contract and sell us the home for the appraised value in the event it is lower than the offered price.
I’m pretty sure I am going back to work. After much deliberation I have decided to possibly start looking for work with a long list of must haves. One being I must be able to work from home. Wish me luck, and if you know of anything holla at ya girl!!
I haven’t been blogging as much because I have been asking God to provide me with the ability to make steady income while not jeopardizing my ability to be available to my family. We have decided there is no need for both of us to run the hamster wheel and if I go back to work I need to be at home. What I realized is that I am asking for a promotion but I haven’t mastered the basics and that is putting my family ahead of everything, everyday. So now I have to take care of them and my home first and blogging has been getting put on the back burner as I struggle to balance both. I think I have finally found my groove so I can start back posting and commenting regularly. I may be visiting some of your virtual homes rather late at night so leave the porch light on…K?!
I am trying to line up activities for the summer. I can’t even believe that there is just over a month left in school. I promise it seems like it was just the first day of school.
My son is doing really good with baseball. I know I mentioned how worried I was about him in the beginning but he is really shining. We did get the private lessons and they have indeed paid off. I think he has truly found a sport that he likes.
I guess that’s all for now. What’s good in your hood?!!