Life around here has been quite uneventful *knocks on wood*
A great deal of my time has been spent working on some personal projects and schlepping my kids to their activities. I’m low key stressed at the fact that school will be out in a little over a month. I can’t even fathom the fact that this school year is already over, and I need to get serious about planning our Summertime activities. Can’t even.
I’ll do a house update sometime this week. There is so much that needs to be done around here that I need to take the time to write it all down and create a plan of attack….kind of like they do on Young House Love. The kitchen is improperly painted, the baby drew on my newly painted cabinets with a pink Sharpie…you know those little things that will drive you batty if you let them. I’m going to create a to do list, post it here and require y’all to hold me accountable.
I’d been moaning and groaning about wanting a rocking chair to put on the front porch but was too cheap to buy one. Finally found one in my price range. Placed it on the porch and now it just looks empty. Headed to Hobby Lobby the other day to get materials to make a wreath. Must’ve walked circles around that store for nearly 2 hours and ended up leaving with a large S. That’s all, not even a candy bar. Please don’t ask me what I am going to do with this S, I imagine at some point it will become a monogram wreath. I’ll keep you posted.

Apparently the front porch needs more than a rocking chair.
Outside of obsessing over what to do with a large S, and a Sharpie emblazoned cabinet I’m really feeling this whole gardening thing. Who knew? My babies are growing well and when I find time this week I am going to finally put them in their permanent homes. It’s going to be like container heaven. I’m taking the deck over instead of raised beds. I just want to make sure the area where I want to put them will get enough sun.

Plant roll call: Strawberries, scallions, watermelon, bell pepper, spinach, collard greens, tomatoes, green beans, kale, Swiss Chard, carrots, squash, lettuce, and mesulin mix.
So that’s all going on in this burb’ of the ATL.
What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Where are y’all going for Summer vacation I might steal your idea? Summer camp for the kids or days of playing outside and only coming in for restroom and water breaks? Do share friends!!!
I’m running another $100 Kohl’s Gift Card Giveaway. Enter >HERE<