When we have children, maybe I’ll speak for myself.
When I had children I just couldn’t wait for them to get of age to get involved in extracurricular activities. Piano lessons, sports, dance lessons etc. I wanted my children to be just as involved and well rounded as I was growing up. I surely wasn’t thinking about the logistics required to have two children involved in multiple activities. Every day of the week we are gone and don’t mention the weekends. Saturdays start early and end late.
The baby is taking her first foray into sports and is playing Tee Ball this year. Talk about something hilarious. Either everyone is running for the ball, including members of the batting team or my child is pointing at the ball as it rolls by. 
Moments in the dug out are spend socializing, not at all paying attention to the game.

I will say she will get out there and give that ball a real whack….with her Hello Kitty bat that I had to go to 3 Targets to find. Anything for my baby. She’ll run as well, maybe not to the correct base but those little legs move.

I am a fan of children playing sports because it teaches them sportsmanship. She has to learn that every time won’t be her turn. Remember those days of being impatient because you wanted it to be your turn. She’s on that. She earned this trait honestly. I won’t tell you how many times my Mama got me together on the field because I was being a poor sport.

As tired and ragged as I feel I wouldn’t have it any other way. I read somewhere the other day that we may complain now about how many activities our children have, or how messy they are or about the 238,038,581 questions they may ask in a day but the truth is one day they will grow up and we will look back on these moments and long for them.
I guess.

Where my sports Moms at? Do you have snacks packed in your purse to nibble on? Do you talk to the other Moms? Are you the Team Mom?