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November 2010

Me NaBloPoMo

My Blog, My Block, My Porch, My Thoughts

In the past couple of weeks I have come across a few incidents in Bloggerville and Twitterland where people have gotten a little catty with one another and for lack of better words a little “bullyish” if you ask me. Someone doesn’t agree with what someone else tweeted or wrote about on their blog and commenced an all out attack against the person. Seriously? I just don’t get it. I consider myself the type of individual who respects that we all have different viewpoints, upbringings, morals, values etc. and although I may not agree with you I don’t feel it is my place to condemn you for decisions you make regarding yourself, your children and your family.

I was born and mostly raised in Washington D.C. I have fond memories of sitting on the stoop with my grandma, or jumping double dutch on my block. There was an unsaid code of conduct that said you never went on anyone else’s block and talked trash or came on their steps starting trouble. It was a respect thing, and I look at blogging the same way. In my opinion people have a right in this world to feel what they feel and if blogging is their outlet of choice they have a right to say what they want on their block/porch if you will. Agreeing to disagree is acceptable, that is what comments are for, but some people just don’t know when to leave well enough alone.

Don’t get me wrong, I have read blog posts that made me want to cringe, but I have a little red x in the upper right hand corner of my screen and I exercise my use of it frequently. It is sad we live in a world overrun with stereotypes, racism, wealth disparities, I need not go on but it is a reality and with that realization I know that I only have control of the things that I say. If I truly want to set an example and make some sort of difference in the lives of my children I have to lead by example, teach them right and rise above the ignorance of this world. I must let my children know what will face them, but I will also teach them there is a sense of respect that we owe others whether we agree with them or not and forcing our beliefs and thoughts on them is not the most effective way of influencing the change needed to change mindsets and improve relationships.

What are your thoughts? I give you permission “this one time” to come on my block and disagree with me.. J/K!!

Me NaBloPoMo Recipes

I Just Felt Like Cookin’

Today was an extremely long day. I had a Dr.’s appointment, and had to turn around and do grocery shopping. Ironically when I got home instead of throwing together something quick and simple I decided to cook. Yes, you read me…I said cook. So for those of you who may be new to the blog, in the past I have been a complete and total cooking #fail. We just don’t go together, our relationship mirrors oil and water, I just don’t like it.

Oddly enough since I have been blogging and come across many different recipes on a daily basis my interest has been peaked, I kind of want to see what all the fuss is about. Quietly..shhhh don’t tell anyone, I think I am beginning to like it *swoon*. Not to mention my blood pressure is through the roof and the Dr. is running tests to see what is going on so eating out is going to be cut down to a minimum until I can get my pressure under control. Tonight we had baked barbecue chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese, baked beans and corn bread muffins. I made sure to leave out the salt although I did use a bit of Kosher salt, from my understanding that is a little bit better. In the coming weeks, I will be on the hunt for low salt, yummy recipes to cook.

Wish me luck on my new hobby and getting this blood pressure under control!!

Me NaBloPoMo


The blog challenge has me just a teeny bit stumped for words tonight. We got home safe from our trip and between getting the children back on schedule and completing some school work while “peeking” at Real Housewives of Atlanta I am exhausted and as I type Lil Mama is hollering so I’ll keep it short and sweet

I truly appreciate you, my readers. When I started this blog, I didn’t think for one second anyone would want to read about my chronicles as a stay at home mother struggling to stay true to myself while caring for a very young family but some of you actually do and I love you for it!!
Have a Great Week…See you tomorrow!
Me My Babies NaBloPoMo

Now It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Just as soon as my wonderful weekend away started it is now over. Back to life…back to reality. We had an awesome time, and its amazing what two days away can do for the spirit. I have been going for six straight months without a break, the Mr. and I needed this time alone. After a great talk with the besties in the hot tub, I am refreshed, focused on my business venture and ready to finish out the year with a bang. Looking forward to heading back home to see my babies and getting ready for the BUSY holiday season ahead.

Until tomorrow….