Monthly Archives

November 2010

My Babies NaBloPoMo The Mr.

A Valuable Day Ruined

Today was one of those days that only come once in a lifetime. The Mr. took the babies out and was gone about seven hours. I should have really enjoyed the time home alone, unfortunately I had a splitting headache all day long. I took an aspirin, slept and nothing seemed to help…and the real kicker to the day was I had been thinking about cinnamon rolls all day. So my headache slowed up just enough for me to go in the kitchen and make them and this is what happens…..


I’m going to sleep…See you tomorrow!

Me NaBloPoMo

Fab Friday Night

Thursday I got lucky at Target and found a bunch of fingernail polish on sale for $.42 and tonight I took out the time to actually paint my fingernails and boy do they look pretty. I think I will make this a Friday night ritual..hopefully. The Mr. took over once he got home and I retreated to my room closed the door and enjoyed a quiet evening with my television, magazines, internet and  nail polish. How fab is that?!!
How did you spend your Friday evening?


Gotta Love a Good Support System

Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural meeting of The Founders Guild, a group of business minded women coming together in the name of support for women entrepreneurs. I was invited to join the group by a very good friend of mine Kelli, and upon showing up I was a little apprehensive, because let’s be honest we all know how women can be. After munching on some yummy cuisine, and doing some light mingling before the meeting officially started I knew I was in the right place and that these ladies would soon be my new BFFs!

Kelli and I…I haven’t quite figured out my new camera yet  #yesthepicisfuzzy

We all went around the room sharing our experiences, and where we would like to go with our own business ventures, and the level of expertise and knowledge amongst us was astounding! From graphic design, to marketing, to event planning to styling, to interior design….we all had something that someone else needed and as a group we plan to pool our resources together to support, and hold one another accountable for stretching beyond our comfort zones and transforming ourselves into true business owners.

That’s me on the right end

I am excited about how much more disciplined I will be knowing that I am being held accountable by someone other than myself. I am slightly competitive and would hate to go to the next meeting and everyone has made strides and me only a few steps. I think this setup is going to work well for me, as a matter of fact one of the girls emailed me today asking when we are going to get together as our business ventures go hand in hand..soooo excited!! FYI, my website is done, I am just a little fearful to put it out there right now…I’ll reveal it to you all next week!!! Hehehehehehe
You all support me everyday by reading this blog, I would love to support you in whatever you are doing. Send me your blogs, your websites, Etsy….whatever! I may not be able to support you monetarily RIGHT NOW, three kids, Christmas, one income you know all the logistics but I will surely get the word out and help where I can. I tell you all the time, but I really do mean it, I love you my Cyber Family!!