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Living MOMing

Inspiring Greatness in Our Children from a Young Age

Thank you Allstate for sponsoring this post. I chose to write this post because doing good in local communities is at Allstate’s core.

A few weeks ago, Addison came home so excited to tell her father and I about an idea that she and a friend at school brought to their teacher to recognize the custodians at their school.  As a next step, she was instructed to create a document with ideas on how to execute this project.

I beamed as I watched her excitedly get on the computer, log into Google, and craft a document that she would later print out, outlining her ideas for a Custodian Appreciation Week.

As a member of a sorority, I do my fair share of giving back to my local community, through a variety of activities and donations. It made me smile to see her putting so much effort and excitement into a selfless act, and the thought that my community service may have had an impact on her desire to help others makes me want to do more for our community.

Addison has the biggest heart for others, she’s been known to ask me to get in our neighborhood Facebook group and ask for clothing so she can donate it to children in need.  During our visit to the African American History Museum, she expressed sadness about racism in America, and in the next breath told me how she plans to help other people at her school understand why racism is wrong, and what they can do to stop it.

She is certainly a child of action. I honestly believe some of her dedication towards dance, and other interests comes from being exposed to them at a young age. This is why I’m honest with her about the state of things in our world. From a young age I wanted her to be concerned for things that will affect her generation and know that she has a voice and an obligation to do what she can to change things, even for one person.

Action inspires, and that rings true for children as well. Allstate believes that today’s youth aren’t waiting on the gatekeepers to make change, they are doing it themselves. These children are technologically savvy, and eager to create change. Their fervor to create change spawns lifelong transferable skills, that for a lack of better words, will make them good humans. I mean, some adults haven’t even mastered critical social and emotional learning skills like problem-solving, empathy and teamwork. We all know the best lessons don’t happen in the classroom, and these skills will help ensure their future success.

So cliché, but everything we do as parents is setting a stage for either excellent or subpar behavior, and we have to be careful with our actions because they create habits not just for us, but for them as well.

Allstate stands behind this thought process as well.  They work to empower young people in the communities they live and work in to become leaders and change-makers.

Learn more about what Allstate is doing in local communities and the work they are doing to empower youth.

Their dedication to the communities where they live and work is at the core of Allstate’s  belief system.

I charge us as parents to instill the importance of community giving into our children at an early age. These things will be second nature to them as adults and as a result they will instinctively do what’s right when it comes to giving back and helping out members of not only their communities, but all communities.

A life of true activism can never start too early.

This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated not only to protecting what matters most–but to guiding people to live the Good Life, every day.



Man, it really is a new year, and I have a jumble of emotions about 2018… glad to say most of them are good. However, 2019 is set to be one of the best years ever. I can feel it.

Let’s start with the reality, that in just two months I’ll turn FORTY. I don’t understand people’s qualms about getting, and growing older. Another notch on the “old” belt just signifies all of those challenges and struggles didn’t take you out. You’re still here creating, living, and thriving.

Speaking of creating, living and thriving, I did a lot of that in 2018… and lots of traveling. The word travel was tucked in a little corner on my vision board and boy did it manifest itself.

Let’s start with that whirlwind tour of about 15 cities in the span of 2 months this summer with Just for Me. I really hoped to write about that experience, but I was just too tired. I’d just started a new job, and between getting acclimated to being back at work, and being gone every weekend, I didn’t know if I was coming or going.

Then there was:

That one night in Memphis. An epic girls trip to New Orleans for the Essence Festival. An anniversary trip to Asheville, N.C., and Jekyll Island for fall break.

Through all of that, we managed to make some headway on some projects around the house. Our best project to date was the closet makeover we completed this fall for the One Room Challenge.

We started from nothing and built something that we are both very much in love with. You can see the full transformation starting here.

On a personal level, I continued to challenge myself. I didn’t always hit the mark, but the difference was I felt a level of  disappointment in myself I hadn’t felt before. It’s that (tough) self love that builds greatness. If ever there were to be a breakout year, 2019… the year I turn 40 would be it.

I’m excited for the new year. I’m planning to get back in tune with my creative self, spend more time taking photos, writing, crafting and doing all of the things that bring me joy. This blogging game has started to lack integrity, and as I said before those games I will not play. You may see sponsored posts, you may not.

What you will see is a renewed passion for sharing and inspiring through my platforms. I love connecting with all of you, so please be sure to give me a holler on Facebook or Instagram. I’ve purchased lots of new camera, video and editing equipment. I don’t like to waste money so be sure to follow along for the ride (you can follow me on Youtube)! There will be lots of video and whatever my 4o year old heart desires.

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for riding with me over the past 8.5 years. Cheers to you, and a prosperous, happy new year!

Christmas Living

Holiday Travel Essentials

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. We won’t be traveling as a family for the holiday, but I may be scooting out to New York for New Years weekend to kick it with the homies. The few times that we have traveled during Christmas, I feel like my nerves were a complete wreck by the time we got where we were going.

You know, we have to get the kids stuff together, and our stuff together, and clean the house, and wrap presents,and fit said presents in the car. It’s so much to keep up with.

When traveling during the holidays, it is really hard to predict what will happen with delays, lost luggage etc. so as they say, stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. Whenever I travel, I always keep my essentials with me in a carry-on. I  include a change of clothing, something to read, my phone, laptop, chargers and any personal items I may need.

Personal items to include: deodorant, feminine hygiene, soap, lipstick, bobby pins, scrunchies, you know those things that can turn a situation with lost luggage into something that you can work with.

While I don’t experience bladder leaks, the reality is nearly 1 in 3 women do, and that number increases to 1 in 2 for African American women. If the possibility of holiday travel shenanigans isn’t a reason to keep the protection you need in reach, I don’t know what is. If you suffer from bladder leaks, Always Discreet offers extraordinary protection that you can barely feel, leaving you protected and comfortable as you go about doing all of the things, and traveling to all of the places.

Normalizing our body changes… hello 40, I see you, should be discussions women are having in the open, and in our private circles. Here are a few statistics on the reality of bladder leakage in women: of the 25 million adult Americans suffering from some form of urinary incontinence, 75-80% of those are women. In fact, 1 in 3 women have experienced bladder leaks. So, spoiler alert – a little leakage is something most women have or will experience at some point in their lives, but it doesn’t have to disrupt your fabulous life.

Always believes body changes are part of being a woman, and that as you move about in the activities you enjoy doing, you shouldn’t have to worry with having the proper protection that you are comfortable in.

You can pick up Always Discreet at Walgreens… and if online shopping is your thing you can purchase at Walgreens online.

Need to do your research? Want to know more about the Always Discreet line? All of the info you need can be found here.

Holidays Living

Christmas Gifts Packaged with Love

Thank you to Blurb for sponsoring this post.

Remember back in the day when people carried photos in their wallets. Someone would ask about a child and the parent would pull out their wallet and shove photos of said child or family member into their hand. Those days are long gone, but what I’ve found is older family members still long for tangible photos of nieces, nephews, grandchildren etc.

Photo books make for great gifts. They mix a little of the old with the new while still capturing and sharing valuable memories. Blurb books has made the process of creating a thoughtful, handmade gift easier than ever.


Their easily downloaded software, BookWright provides pre-made templates if you aren’t creatively inclined. If you want to bring your vision to life, there is also the ability to freestyle the layout of your book.

If you need a little inspiration, Blurb offers an online bookstore, here you can browse through books to get ideas for your own creation.

To make the process easier, I suggest gathering at least 100 photos together before beginning. The software easily integrates with your social networks so you can easily pull them from Facebook, and other platforms. If you’re like me you’ll also have to pull them from your computer.

Once you have all of the photos uploaded let the fun begin. It took me about an hour to create our book which will go to grandparents as gifts. The user-friendly interface made it easier than ever to drag and drop photos.  I love that you also get error messages if you need to resize the photo to ensure it’s shown as clear as possible once the book is printed.

With a grandmother in Miami, it’s hard to see her reaction upon receipt but I wanted to make the package pretty for her. Wrapping paper, ribbons, and handwritten notes add just the right personal touch.

As much as we would love to be with our loved ones during the holidays, sometimes its just not possible. Thoughtful, handmade gifts that are wrapped with love can hold us over until we can see one another again.

What’s the best DIY gift you’ve ever made or given?! Do share.