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Holidays Living

oh christmas tree

So I mentioned earlier in the week that we are going to start a tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree and I am proud to say that the Mr. is on board.

We still have family in town so it will likely be next week before we can get around to it but I am so excited to start a new tradition for our family. I am slowly pulling out the Christmas decorations and I have every intention to have the house decked out by the end of the weekend.

We’ll see

Have you put up your tree yet?





Holidays Living

in all things give thanks

Another successful Thanksgiving is in the books.

We came, we ate, we laughed and did what families do.

In this season of thanks, it always dons on me that the simplest of things are not promised to us and we should always have a spirit of gratitude.

As natural as it is for me to open my computer and create content for this online space, I am truly thankful that so many of you choose to connect with me and visit here frequently.

Thank you all for reading, sharing and for those of you who have become my “in real life” friends thank you for your genuine friendship and support.

I hope your Thanksgiving was well!


Beauty Featured Hair

hair crushin’

In being more intentional about keeping clutter to a minimum, today when I saw Addi attempt to squash one more doll into an already overflowing basket I told her to dump the whole thing out and decide which toys she wanted to give away to needy children and which ones she wanted to keep.

As I supervised her, I looked at her hair and was like OMG!

File Nov 25, 11 22 03 PM

Not only have I had a love hate relationship with her tresses but she has had some issues adjusting as well. Few people understood my concern  when I started being more intentional in the way I spoke to her about her hair and making myself more diligent in figuring out how to work with it. I refused to straighten it until I knew she was comfortable with her natural hair, especially going to school in an environment where she is the minority.

I remember being the only black girl in my class and when I told my mother I wanted my hair straight like the white girls she pressed it, and continued to press it until I can’t ever remember seeing my hair in it’s natural state.

Well my friends it is a new day and I need Addi’s norm to be a puffy fro and I see to it that she has learned to love and embrace her hair. I scold her brother even when he makes jokes about her hair not just for her sake but for all of the women he will come across with natural hair.


I’m proud of how far I’ve come in making sure my girl has a head full of healthy hair that she loves. Now if I could just get my hair to look like hers!!


daily vlog | holiday prep

I’m struggling this last week of NaBloPoMo, but I am almost at the finish line and I will tell you blogging every day is not easy.

Today I thought I would shoot some short video clips of our day while out running errands. Let me know how you like it. I might do these more often, so much easier to edit and upload.

I present to you the greater part of our day in under 5 minutes!