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Beauty Frugal and Fab Skincare

I’m Getting a Facial..

Remember on my post here, I asked for your advice on facial products to use? Well, I  have still been very lax with my skincare regimen. I wash with soap and water and dab some lotion on it..yes lotion, not to be confused with moisturizer. Well a few weeks ago when we were in Miami and I went to the spa and got a facial I heard some technical terms which basically meant I need to take care of my face and wear sunscreen, and get facials at least every 6 weeks until all of the deep down impurities are removed.

*sigh* Who has money for that? I was ecstatic to wake up today and see that Eversave has a coupon for $19 for a normally priced $45 facial at N’timate Hair Studio and Day Spa.

Oh yes! I am going to get me a facial, and I am going to maintain it unlike last time…somebody hold me accountable..okay? If you are in the Atlanta area, this is a great opportunity to treat yourself to something nice. $20 to let me lay down while some one pampers me..Sign me up.

Speaking of accountability. The esthetician in Miami used a Clairisonic on my face. Thinking about putting that on my list to Santa. Anybody have one? Is it worth the investment?

Are you unlike me and take care of your pretty face. Do dish your secrets.

Beauty Me

Face Time

I’m 32. I would like to think I will forever have my youthful looks…you know Benjamin Button style, some of that Tuck Everlasting magic fountain action. Unfortunately, I know that’s highly unlikely so I have lately been giving thought to finding a skin care system that I can start using now to reduce the signs of aging.

I have given little to NO attention to my skin up until this point. My skin isn’t flawless and I’m sure it could be much better if I gave it a inkling of attention but who has the time. Anywho, the other day I was in Walmart and was perplexed at all of the choices for skin care. It was all kinds of overload to the extent that I just left and didn’t buy anything. I know my skin type is combination thanks to the nice Mary Kay lady at a party I attended. I have heard great things about their Time Wise collection but me being costs too d*%n much. However, the more I keep asking around it looks like I am looking to spend a mini fortune on a good skin care regimen. I just don’t want to.

I have heard good ‘ole soap and water will get the job sticking my head over steaming water in a pot once a week..I could go on and on with these home remedies but I’m just not sure if they actually work. I am suddenly obsessed with finding something that will work for me.I think I am in a thirties, third life, crisis. Get it..30’s, I’m almost 33. No?

Here’s where you come in. What do you wash your face with. Does the washrag and water get it for you. Are you team Neutrogena, Olay, Mary Kay, Avon, Estee Lauder, Noxema, etc…. I need your help. I’m going to do it by popular vote…that’s the only place I know  to start. I need to look like Iman when I’m 55, and the way these pores and dark spots are looking I just might need the next 23 yrs to get there!

