I just went back and read my blog posts from this time last year and it literally feels like this year flew by. I mean flew like a G6. Gone like Justin Timberlake.
This year went exceptionally well for me. I never take these things for granted, and in the past when my mind would wander in negative places I would think a good year was simply a setup for a bad one. Thank goodness for growth because I am looking at 2012 as only a small snippet of what is to come in 2013.
Source: Uploaded by user via Mimi on Pinterest
There have been mistakes and mishaps just as there has been good decisions and blessings. I take the good with the bad and I am ready for the new year. Sometime between now and the end of the week I will sit down with some of my old magazines…I mean old cause y’all know how I am about my beloved mailed publications and make me vision board. I have never done one so I am anxious to put those jumblings in my mind onto something visually creative to refer to during the year.
My major goals for the new year are:
To get moved into our new home
Seriously grow my blog
Start a new business ( it is in the workings…I’ll tell you in the new year)
Complete some major dental work that I have been putting off because I’m scared
Live in the moment and enjoy my life…This one trumps every.thang. EVERYTHANG!
I hope your end of the year is going well and your plans are well under the way so that you can hit the ground running. I have been scarce around these parts for the past few weeks and it is likely I will not be around to your blogs or on social media for the remainder of the year…lies.
I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you for stopping by here, interacting with me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For taking out the time to type in comments and show concern and love when its needed. I take none of these things for granted and you all are appreciated. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I will see you guys in the New Year!!