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Me My Babies NaBloPoMo

Now It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Just as soon as my wonderful weekend away started it is now over. Back to life…back to reality. We had an awesome time, and its amazing what two days away can do for the spirit. I have been going for six straight months without a break, the Mr. and I needed this time alone. After a great talk with the besties in the hot tub, I am refreshed, focused on my business venture and ready to finish out the year with a bang. Looking forward to heading back home to see my babies and getting ready for the BUSY holiday season ahead.

Until tomorrow….

Me NaBloPoMo

Weekend Getaway!!

Well, we finally made it safe and sound to the cabin and it is beautiful here. Unfortunately Lil Mama has been screaming since we left and if the weather wasn’t so bad and the road so treacherous I would be trying to get home to my baby. The sitter called and said she finally took the bottle and went to sleep. Now I feel a little better, and since we all have had waaaayyyyyyyy too many drinks and are being silly with my new camera ( story for another blog post) here’s a pic!!
Me mommy My Babies NaBloPoMo

Waaaaaaaaa I Want My Mommy

So today was one of those all over the place type of days…one minute its good the next minute your like what just happened here. If I didn’t have to post every day under the blogging challenge you may have never read this post…but writing is a form of therapy, right?

Day starts off great, Friday morning the Mr. and I are leaving for our annual trip to the mountains. Yes, the one where we had to scramble to find a babysitter, well who knew there would still be issues with that today. I call to confirm the arrangements and said family member who is keeping the baby mentions to me that she has alot going on and her neighbor volunteered to keep the baby and that if it was okay with me she would send the baby over there for a night or a day..UMMM THAT RIGHT THERE WOULD BE A BIG FAT NEGATIVE..Now I know the neighbor but I don’t know the neighbor…ya feel me? I get off the phone and call the Mr. to discuss, cause I couldn’t have possibly just heard that right, and he was livid. Said that he would stay behind but the baby would not be staying anywhere other than at the family member’s house.

I was already apprehensive about leaving the baby, this is my first time leaving her with anybody so to add this foolishness on top of my craziness was too much. One of my besties is out of town but will be back on Saturday and is going to go and get the baby and keep her until we get back. Crisis diverted again, but by now I am bawling my eyes out. Boo hoo crying, snot, hiccups you know the whole nine.

It is these times that I miss my mother with all of my being. If she were here I wouldn’t have to worry about asking anyone to keep my children, they would be at home, snug and cozy with a grandma that loves them. A wonderful woman that without a doubt would have baked Adrian cookies while softly singing I’m a Little Teapot to Addison. I zoned out, I could see the whole scene going down, I saw her smile and it even felt like I smelled a whiff of her perfume.  I’m only 31, I can’t help but feel on days like this that I got cheated. Why couldn’t I be the two ladies I see in the store, where the daughter is holding the mother’s arm, I still need my mom…Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s not fair. *arms folded*…but it’s life and everything is all in God’s plan.

I said a prayer and asked God to send comfort because my babies needed me, and we needed food and I needed to get to Target. I dried my eyes, got my babies together and life went on..and it will continue to move on. These days will come, but the beauty is I now know to seek God’s face and keep it moving. On our way to Target I played “I’ll Trust You” by James Fortune. This is the very song I heard on the way to the hospital when we got the call that we needed to come and say our final good byes…Ironically, this song brings a smile to my face instead of tears because that is what Trusting God will do!

Hair Me NaBloPoMo Wordless Wednesday

(Sort of) Wordless Wednesday

This afternoon the Mr. had to pour darn near a half a gallon of Drano down the shower drain because my hair had it clogged. Couldn’t help put stroll down memory lane and long for the days when my hair was this short…Only photo I have of me with sort hair, either digital cameras weren’t around back then, or I was too poor to afford one!!