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Lil Mama Parenting

The Potty Chronicles

We’re Done…

Mission potty training….complete (kind of)

So, I explained in a previous post that I was implementing the potty “bootcamp” training method. It was going well until I went out of town and no one bothered to stay the course so I had to kind of start  over when I got back.

Addison is wearing panties full time except at night. The problem is she won’t tell me all of the time when she has to go. I notice this breach of communication if there is a lot going on, if she is hanging with her homies or if we are in public. I try to be proactive but she has had a few accidents.

I am adamant about not scolding her, but reassuring her that she needs to tell me. I see now getting her to tell me every time and then moving on to teaching her to go on her own without my help are the next steps.

She’ll get it. I’ll keep her in panties and pack a bag with a few extra pairs, some wipes, some plastic bags and a few outfits because I refuse to use Pull Ups….and as long as the grocery store and the Goodwill staff has access to a mop and water its all good!!

Now, every mom/dad with a small child needs this contraption that I found in Walmart for about $10.

GENIUS!!! No more dangling over the nasty public toilet. It’s big and covers the entire seat when unfolded. I almost cried when I saw this. Go get you one if you have little booties that need dangling. This has changed my life and it fits right into her little bookbag.

Do you have any tips for me as I try to get her going on her own? If you’re potty training how’s it going? Have you ever seen this little contraption before?

*Nope, I wasn’t compensated nor contacted to blog about this product. I just think its pretty cool*


Life Parenting

They Think They Know But…….

One day last week as I was driving my niece to school we struck up a conversation regarding her post high school graduation plans. I ran down the usual questions, what dorm would she be staying in, when does school start and what classes would she be taking.

She answered each and then she mentioned the nursing program and I tripped and stumbled a loooooooooong way, 15 years to be exact down memory lane.

I thought about myself when I was preparing to graduate and getting ready for college.When asked, I would mechanically ramble off that I wanted to be a stock broker who worked on Wall Street.


I knew when I was saying it, I really wanted to go to the Fashion Institute in New York. I wanted to be a buyer for a major department store. I wanted to live fashion and the glitz and glamour that came along with it. Thing is my parents weren’t hearing it. Neither of my parents attended college but I knew they had high expectations of what I would become. I could hear the pride in my mother’s voice as she bragged on my career aspirations to her friends and colleagues.

So I went to college and majored in business…See my MAC lipglass poppin’ I was more concerned with that..


Thing is I think if she was paying more attention to the type of person I was in relation to who she wanted me to be she would’ve seen that I was so different from what I was speaking. The mall was my second home. My room housed stacks and stacks of fashion magazines and I was constantly yelled at for plastering pages of dresses and models on my wall, but she never nurtured that part of me. She just wanted to me to get a stable job and make lots of money….but what parent doesn’t want that for their child?

I don’t…in theory. I want my children to be happy, and not a slave to material gain. Yet I want them to be comfortable..parenting is hard work. We all know now that happiness in a small shack  far outweighs the burden of doing something daily that we despise. I would do my children an injustice to instill anything but my desire for them to do what they love.

I’m not mad at her but it just sparks something in me to make sure that I am supporting my children in what they are interested in and not what I want them to do….except for play the piano and ballet.

As much as I wanted to, I didn’t take my niece on that interview because she isn’t my child. But I couldn’t help but wonder if she really wants to be a nurse. I see a creative soul in her, but I guess she’ll have to figure that out on her own…like the rest of us who figured it out late in life or a huge shout out to those of us who are still searching…cause I haven’t quite figured it out nearly $75K later

Did you really know what you wanted to be when you graduated from high school?

Will you force your children to go to college or will you encourage them to seek out and make their own way in the world with your emotional AND——> monetary<——- support?


Children Health Parenting

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong 4 Life Panel

As a blogger I love to come to this space on the web and share my life with you. As a mom, I am also passionate about using this platform to share vital information pertaining to the health and well being of children and people in general.

On Wednesday, I was thrilled to be invited to a mom bloggers panel hosted by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong 4 Life team. Childhood obesity is the focus of the Strong 4 Life team and a few months ago the campaign came under fire for their billboards regarding the childhood obesity epidemic in Georgia. Nearly 40% of all children in the state of Georgia are obese according to the CDC statistics.

While many did not agree with their shock tactics the facts and numbers are just as equally shocking. Whether one sees a major problem with the ads or not, the bottom line is if we want to see our children lead full and healthy lives we all have a responsibility. I say we because even though this may not hit home with you it very well may hit very close to home with family members or friends who are battling this problem within their families. Knowledge and the sharing of information is vital.

Starting the process of getting our families healthy is quite simple. Getting active and eating healthy are the first steps. The Strong 4 Life website offers some other tips here.

I urge you to please take a look at Strong 4 Life and what they are trying to do to raise awareness of childhood obesity and healthy living. Although their focus is the state of Georgia this is a nationwide problem. Please educate yourselves and those around you about the dangers of not starting our children off on the right foot when it comes to living healthy lives.






Our lunch came from Happy Belly. This food was so good. It’s a food truck, if you are in Atlanta check them out!


The Strong 4 Life Team


(l. to r. excluding the lady in the blue shirt: Liza, Bridget, Trina, Christy, Me, Fran and Renee


Always fun times with Fran ( and Trina (


What do you think are the major contributing factors to childhood obesity? As a community what can we do to help?


Unprepared with My Goody Bobby Pins and Ouchless Elastics

So, the other day I took my son to the dentist. Somehow on the short trip from the car to the front door the baby manages to fall in the street and completely tear up her sweet elbow. I mean, blood gushing and all.

While I’m consoling her my mind is thinking about whether or not I have a first aid kit in the car because I know for sure there isn’t one in my purse. Not a band aid or first aid kit to be found in the car. Does it count that just a few weeks ago it crossed my mind to put one in the car? I know. Bad Mama 🙁



I get in the dentist office and of course they provide me with peroxide, band aids, and Neosporin. I bandage her up and off she goes. Then I start thinking about the fact that I am totally unprepared for any mishap. No floss, band aid, tampon, change of clothes, tissue, sippy cup……

I look in my purse only thing I see is my makeup case, a fossilized fruit snack, sunglasses, some Goody bobby pins, and their clear elastic rubber bands to pull my hair up, my wallet, 2 pampers and a pack of wipes.


What do you have in your purse for emergencies.  Seeing that the need to pull my hair up constitutes an emergency, what will I find in your purse. Is it a nail file, Q-tip, taser, tweezers, flask?

*takes notes*