Monthly Archives

November 2011

NaBloPoMo Rant

I Don’t Have Time…..

  • For this whole Penn State mess. I have no words.
  • For these gas prices
  • For these straggly hairs that I plucked from my neck and chin today
  • For being seen at the pediatrician’s office at 11:30.  The appointment was 10:10
  • For all of this crying my son has been doing. I just don’t know.
  • For Lil Mama’s temper tantrums and yells for “Cackers” *translation..crackers*
  • For this never ending need to do laundry
  • For the foolishness that is Reality TV..I lie.
  • For running
  • For reading my magazines

I’ll post my Weekend Wrap Up on Wednesday. #youcare

Just a few rants! What foolishness have you come across lately that you just don’t have time for?!


Lil Mama Lil Man

Day Out With Thomas…A Glossy Review

Last month my family and I out ventured out to Cordele, GA which is about 2 hours from me to spend a “Day Out with Thomas“. For those not familiar, Thomas and Friends is a children’s show about trains that talk. My son is a huge fan, normally I don’t pay much attention to what’s going on when its on, so sorry I can’t give you any more specific details outlining the show. I digress.

I mentioned the event was two hours from my house and I got halfway there before realizing I forgot my camera…and not to mention Lil Mama was not feeling well so I was a little out of sorts. However, once we got there to see the look on his face made the trip worthwhile. There was a real train with Thomas at the helm that the children got to ride on. See.


Sorry, you don’t get to see my photog skills but this train was amazingly cute. I think Lil Mama was a bit frightened by it. After the ride was over there was a plethora of other fun activities and crafts for the children to partake in. My son had a ball. We ate, my son got his face painted and if I had my camera I’m sure he would’ve loved to have taken photos with some of the characters. Like this little boy.


My camera phone you ask? In the car…way to far to walk back and get.

This event tours yearly. If it comes anywhere near where you are, I highly recommend you take your kids…and don’t forget your camera. This is an awesome family outing with a little something for everyone. I just really wish I would’ve had my camera. Guess we’ll have to go next year.

Visit the website here for details on the schedule for 2012.

*I was provided 4 tickets to a Day Out with Thomas. Only a $1M could sway my honest other words this was all kinds of awesome. I would never lie to you. I chose to leave out the part about the rude worker, I think she was just having a bad day. *

Have you attended a Day Out with Thomas? Is Thomas a staple in your home? Have you stepped on and cursed one of those little trains around your home?

Beauty NaBloPoMo Nail Polish Uncategorized

The Indestructible Mom Mani

So by now you should not be surprised about my love for nail polish. I have tons of it. I hear a lot of women, especially moms say they don’t have time or choose not to paint their nails because their manicures never last. I normally paint my nails at least twice a week. I rarely get them professionally done, because I don’t have the money to waste. But something as simple as taking the time to paint my nails makes me feel good.

Through trial and error I have discovered some tried and true tricks for making your manicure last longer. As the holidays approach, do something to pep yourself up. Something just as simple as a shiny red nail will do just that. You’ll be surprised at how soothing it is to look at shiny nails typing on a keyboard. It’s just me? Oh…..

1.) Get your supplies. Nail file, clipper, cuticle stick and cuticle softener.  Most of my supplies I get from Dollar Tree and every now and then you can find good brands of polish in there for a $1. I use the nail file that has the different surfaces for filing and sanding off the rough edges. For my raggedy cuticles I use E.L.F. cuticle pen. It’s a $1 and works miracles. You can even stick it in your purse. You can find it at Target, or online.

2.)Get yourself a good base coat. I love Orly bonder. It smells like rubber cement and it is a little pricey at $10. But a bottle will last you a looooooooong time. You can find this at Sally’s, Ulta etc.

3.) No matter what people say, I have found that the cheap cost effective nail polish brands work just as well if you take your time. I have a mash up of brands. However, one of my favorites is the NYC In a New York Color Minute brand. They sell it at Walmart at around $1.79 a bottle. It dries fast (great for moms) and comes in a ton of shades.

4.) It is very important to put on 1 to 2 very  thin layers to prevent cracking and chipping. Here is a tutorial I found on Pinterest that I used to learn to polish my nails neatly.

Source: via Corie on Pinterest

5. You need a good top coat. All of the polish blogs I read swear by Seche Vite. I have never tried it. It’s expensive. I use Sally Hansen Clear Acrylic Top Coat. It sells at all your drugstores. Do 1 thin layer, let dry. Then do another thin layer just on  your nail tip and then another thin layer that runs the entire length of the nail ( hope that made sense). Basically you will do 2 1/2 layers…got it? Please make sure its thin, otherwise you will find little bubbles.

6.) Smudged? No problem. I learned this trick from one of the besties Kelli. Lick your finger, and gently rub it over the smudged area until it blends in. Once dry, add a very thin layer of topcoat.

7.) If possible sit still for 30 min. to allow everything to dry well. If you are in a hurry after 5 minutes dip fingers in a bowl of cold water to set…but still be a little careful.

8.) Get you a good pair of rubber gloves for cleaning and doing dishes, and reapply a thin topcoat every other day or so.

9.) Have fun. Try different combinations. Paint nails different colors. Express yourself!

*NO, I was not compensated for this post. Since I have to post everyday and I was painting my nails I thought this would be some good info to pass along…Now go forth and paint your nails*

Do you paint your nails often. Have any additional tips you want to add? What is your favorite nail color right now?

Kid Free

Weekend Getaway

Welp, we made it to the mountains for our annual couples getaway and it is absolutely beautiful here. I already miss my babies but I am looking forward to this time with friends and the Mr….and martinis, and hot tub, and good food to recharge my batteries before going into the holiday season.

The cabin is amazing. See.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Why do I feel like the tone of this post is similar to a pen pal letter *shrugs* See. I told you posting everyday would get awkward!  What do you have planned for the weekend?